Stretch Out

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[The police are chasing after a thief which stole a Nuclear Fusion Device]

Thief:You'll never get me!

[The thief sounded feminine, then some white bandages cut the way]

[It was Neon which was a mummy-like alien with white bandages, with a eerie green glow peeking from the gaps between his bandages. He wears a black and green shendyt with two bandages in front and back of it. He has a black and green frill, headdress and braces and graves. Behind his face trim there's two bandages. He has chin spine, he has two eyes on his shoulders.The Omnitrix symbol is located on his left wrist]

Snare-Oh:What did you say?

Thief:Uh... look! A hot girl behind you!

[The shoulder eyes moved around to look, that caught the thief off guard]

Snare-Oh:Mmmm, a liar I see...

Thief:Ummm.... catch this sucker!

[She threw a fake device at him, just in case she was caught, and ran another way. Both pair of his eyes widened and used his chest bandages to catch the fake]

Thief:Hehe~! Finally, I got it!


Zombina:Great job bandages head!

[Snare-Oh sent his bandages and caught one of the thief's legs]

Thief:Hey!Lemme go!

Snare-Oh:If you weren't a thief, maybe.

Thief:Well I'm not gonna give this up!

[A knife blade grew out of her shoe tip and was able to cut the bandages]

Snare-Oh:What... Are you?!

Thief:Aww, do you like my killer fashion ~?

Snare-Oh:What do you even need it for?!

Thief:Don't ask a girl about her fashion choices ~

Snare-Oh:I meant the Device!

Thief:None of your business dusty mummy!

Snare-Oh:Oh... just to say, there's a hot dude behind you.

Thief:Did you think my trick will work against me, heh ~

[She left and Snare-Oh timed out]

Neon:Dang it!

Zombina:We need to get her!

Neon:Do you have a vehicle?

Zombina:Uh huh.

Neon:Then let's go! Because the Omnitrix needs to recharge.

[While they drove in the search of the thief]

Neon:Yesterday's DNA scan clearly drained the Omnitrix.

Zombina:DNA scan?

Neon:I scanned Miia.

Zombina:Wait so you have a lamia transformation now?

Neon:I have hard time to get a name for the transformation tho.

[Zombina snaps her fingers]



Zombina:Like the amazons.

Neon:Huh, that works.

[She grabbed the Omnitrix]

Zombina:We need a plan to catch her.

Omnitrix:Unidentified DNA found, features locked until the DNA is fully scanned.

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