A Fistful of Brains

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[The episode begins as Neon and MON are chasing Negative through the city, they were hot on his tracks as he ran instead of fighting them for some reason]

Neon:Come back here you!

Manako:Please! I'm not used to running so much, I'm more of the sniper kind...

Negative:This happens when you're made out of weak flesh instead of brilliant wiring!

[Negative took a turn and broke into a pretty ruined warehouse, Neon managed to reach it first, cornering Negative]

Neon:Give it up Negative! You have nowhere to run!

[MON arrived too, but they waited at the  warehouse's entrance pointing their guns at Negative who smirked]

Negative:Skye,Skye...You don't know the fact this is not one of those old abandoned Earth warehouses,right~?

[That confused Neon and the girls until the warehouse started shaking...It wasn't a warehouse! It was a ship! Neon tried to exit, only for a metal door to form where the exit was]

Neon:You gotta be kidding me!

[Worse,a special knockout gas which can affect Neon's species started pouring inside to room, Neon started coughing as he fainted]

Zombina:Shit! That bucket of bolts and circuits outsmarted us again!

Tio:Calm down Bina...We should return to our HQ, maybe we can track Neon.

[Back at the headquarters, they saw Neon's mothers with a food casserole,that made them sweat, Zombina definitely swore like a sailor in her mind, meanwhile Manako tried to find the right words]

Sonia:Oh hi girls~! Ummm, where's our son?

Manako:Well...He umm...

Zombina:He said he's going to get some cold drinks! Hehe, you know like soda...Y-yeah...

Dennis:But he's not responding to our calls, it started to worry us..

Doppel:Maybe cause he got abducted by Negative.

[That made Manako to look shocked at her especially at how blunt and carefree she was, Tio sighed sadly while nodding and Zombina facepalmed and didn't helped the fact Dennis and Sonia screamed in shock at the news]

Sonia:He got what?! How could you let that happen?!

Zombina:First of, we didn't knew Negative was baiting him into getting inside a ship and second of, we're not your son's babysitter, hell! In some cases he's ours!

Doppel:Also not our fault your son is reckless,full of bravado and such...Maybe that could've prevented him from getting captured.

Dennis:Say that again, I dare you!

[The poultry harpy lady and the shapeshifter started growling at eachother, until Ms.Smith managed to calm them down]

Smith:Going at eachother's necks would not help us saving Mr.Skye from whatever Negative is preparing for him.Luckily I managed to find his Omnitrix's signal.

Zombina:Alright, send us the signal's coordinates.No matter what, we're going to get Neon back.

Dennis:Sure will, cause we're coming too...And don't you dare say we can't, you don't know how strong is the wrath of a mother.

[Zombina gulped as she lead the women towards the ship.Meanwhile Neon woke up in a alien jungle after the appearance, he looked confused until he bumped his face on a Slammoid, that caused him to comically climb a tree]

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