It Was Them!

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[The episode starts with Abyss watching Neon at a fast-food place ordering hid food, he nodded at Buglizard which jumped and transformed into a large, dark red octopus-like creature with a long body and many long tentacles along its stomach. It has a beaked mouth, two large red eyes and brown spots covering its back]

Neon:You?! Oh great, Abyss returned and I just wanted a calm afternoon eating some burgers!

[Neon pressed the Omnitrix and he turned into Shocksquatch, who cracked his knuckles]

Shocksquatch:Let's make this quick ugly, I have a double spicy cheeseburger with my name on it.

[The octopus predator immediately launched his tentacles towards Shocksquatch, which dodged before the latter started pummeling the respective tentacles, but they had no effect]

Shocksquatch:Resistant to electricity,eh?

[He got smacked by another tentacle, which launched him into the fast-food place's sign]

Shocksquatch:If you have thick skin on the outside, how about we check your mouth?

[Shocksquatch jumped on his face and started opening his mouth before grabbing the predator's tongue and started releasing a powerful electric blast, causing the predator to smack him away again before retreating]

Shocksquatch:Ughh, yeah! You better run!

[He reverted back to Neon, which looked to see his food being ruined from the attack, he groaned and went to the girls' house]

Neon:Girls? Do you have any grub to eat and-Huh?! What's that nut up to?!

[He pointed at the TV screen to show a pine glade colored Prismosapien with red accents holding a prison plancard in a prison-type photoshoot]

Cerea:You know this creep?

Neon:Yes Dr.Loogyzoo...He was actually my first nemesis after I obtained the Omnitrix from Azmuth, man I thwarted a lot of his plans~

[A flashback shows a 10-year old Neon sitting victorious on the fainted body of a mutated eel-looking alien with Dr.Loogyzoo under some rubble]

Dr.Loogyzoo:Curse you, Neon Wingdings! Curse you and your meddling ways!

Young Neon:Don't hate the playa hate the game~

[Then another scene followed this time a mutated two headed turkey alien instead of the eel, then followed again by a mutated bear alien next]

Dr.Loogyzoo:I'll get you if it's the last thing I do, Neon Wingdings!

Young Neon:Pshh, yeah right. Bet~

[Young Neon started laughing as the flashback ended with Neon and the now walking in the prison segment of MON's headquarters]

Cerea:Did he actually say those things tho?

Neon:Yes!Maybe. Close enough. I don't always listen to him.

Mero:To me, he sounds like a harmless eccentric.

Neon:Did you all forgot the mutated aliens he created that I just told you while walking from home all the way here?There's no sane bone in that creep's body.

[They got in front of his cell and entered just to see a ton of Frankenstein-esque plushies, which Neon grabbed one which was a shark head on a bear's body with tentacles for arms]

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