So Long And Thanks For All the Cocktails

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[One day, a strange and somewhat destroyed ship appeared out of nowhere in Earth's orbit which launched three missile-shaped devices, luckily Neon saw them]

Neon:What in the? Really, I wished for a nice walk, but you can't always have everything, it's Hero Time~!

[Neon pressed the Omnitrix and he turned into Chromastone which strikes a pose]

Chromastone:Chromastone! Nobody attacks Earth on my watch!

[Chromastone charged an ultraviolet blast and shoot at one, when the smoke cleared it reveals no scratch on the device]

Chromastone:Ok, plan B, this is my first time trying the Light Shield....

[Chromastone closed his eye and inhaled, that caused a multicolored shield to form around him. The devices struck it and tried their best to breach it]

Chromastone:It's actually work-Uh oh...

[The devices bounced off and anchored themselves into three different spots nearby]

Chromastone:Weren't actually missiles, but anchors?

[Chromastone timed out and Neon looked up the cables from the anchors, luckily he managed to somewhat see the ship just being stationary]

Neon:That gives me the heebie-jeebies, better contact the others... Ummm...

[He looked at his contacts list to see Papi first while Draco second, that made him sweat and gulp]

Neon:Snap it out Skye, contact MON first, then sort your love life second.

[He called Ms. Smith and started to wait for her to respond, which took a while, after 5 minutes she picked up with a yawn]

Ms.Smith:Could you mind? Today's my free day.

Neon:First off, since I came here you never took a day off, which to become fair, it's kinda sad, but second and more importantly, there's a creepy ghost ship anchored to Earth.

Ms.Smith:... I think I'm hallucinating from sudden waking up.

Neon:I'm serious! Ugh, say....Is Project Aldebaran ready?

Ms.Smith:Yes, why you ask?

[The next scene shows Neon and MON inside a ship with "Aldebaran" written on the side]

Zombina:This is sweet~! I'm driving a spaceship~!

Neon:Zombina, focus, we have a creepy ship anchored to Earth, and I just repeated myself.

Zombina:Relax, I bet some loose circuits causes those anchors to be shot, just look at this ship, it looks completely broken.

Neon:Maybe you're ri... Right? That hole is definitely new.

Zombina:How are you sure?


[Neon pointed at another ship near the hole, when they got inside they walked through the corridors, when Tio found bubble wrap]

Tio:Oohh, aliens have bubble wrap?

Neon:Ummm, no... I have no clue who belongs this ship to, it's definitely barren.

Manako:I hope we don't find any skeletons...

Zombina:Yooo, this is like a huge space haunted house~

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