Gone Fishin' [Season 2]

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[The episode takes place a few days after the girls being kidnapped by Abyss, Mero was swimming alongside Neon which was a white fish Humanoid, he has olive fins on his wrists, back of his feet, his head and on his back. He has yellow sharp fangs that are jutting out with some black gums around them and a green lure on his forehead. He has neck and arm braces, a belt and a loincloth with green arrows on it]

Mero:I'm already feel relaxed~

Ripjaws:Yeah, Abyss didn't showed his face in a few days, I mean I highly doubt he's dead.

Mero:I'm still a bit shook, he's less of an huntsman and more like a serial killer.

[They heard someone else entering the water, until they saw another mermaid... Which looked nearly identical to Mero except for the hairstyle and clothes]


Queen Sireen:Hello Meroune.

[They hugged eachother, leaving Ripjaws rubbing his arm awkwardly]

Mero:What are you doing here?

Queen Sireen:I heard you're in the area and I decided to join you.

Mero:Oh thanks, no dark schemes behind that, right?

Queen Sireen:Of course not! Also what's that thing?

Mero:That's Neon Skye, hero and wielder of the Omnitrix, which saved me and the others from being taxidermied.

[The Queen stared in shock at Mero and hugged her hard and pointed at Ripjaws]

Queen Sireen:Stay away from her!

Ripjaws:Ugh.... Come on I don't look that bad...

Queen Sireen:You look like an angler merman...One of the universally ugliest mermaid species in the world.

[Ripjaws facepalmed and hissed softly]

Ripjaws:Why do I always get the short end of the stick?

Queen Sireen:Now back off! I don't want my daughter being close to... You!

Ripjaws:We're not even in a relationship! Do you atleast know your daughter is lesbian?

Queen Sireen:What?!

Mero:Well yeah, I am... You met Miia before also I wanted to ask you... What happened to my father?

Queen Sireen:Oh Ummm.... Look food!

[She pointed at something glowing looking like berries near a rock formation and swam over there]

Mero:Mom! Answer my question!

Ripjaws:Your mother is always like that?

Mero:Yeah, always full of secrets...

[When she got closer to the food, robotic tentacles grabbed her and revealed a humanoid octopus robot]

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