Draco & Lilith Go to the Cocktails Land

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[The episode starts in a apartment where a lesser devil and a dragonewt were watching a movie when an ad came up]

Lilith:Really?! In the middle of the movie!?

Draco:Could you calm down it's just a 20 seconds ad!

[It was an ad for a cocktail place, which immediately caught her attention]

Lilith:Scratch the movie! We're going there!

Draco:Of course we do...

[Meanwhile on the city streets a hunched over rock creature with which has the body made out of dark brown jagged rocks, he has large, muscular arms that end with five claws on his hands and double-jointed legs that end with two to three claws on his feet.He has sharp teeth in his jaws and possess an underbite. He has red eyes, he also has a long tail with rocky jagged structures at the tips]

Rock-Trow:You can't stop me to obtain "unlimited power"!

Neon:Really, this is like the most stereotypical villain quote ever.

Rock-Trow:It's easy to remember.

Zombina:But annoying to overuse.

Neon:I'll show you some Eatle-ality.

[Everybody was looking at him]


Miia:That was the worst quote I ever heard in my life, how many brain cells did you used when you came up with it?

Neon:I, just... Ughh, I'll just keep going...

[Neon pressed the Omnitrix, he turned into a humanoid beetle. His horn has forks at the top, making it resemble that of a Japanese rhinoceros beetle. He has two toes on his feet, and spikes on his arms and the backs of his legs, as well as two longer ones on either side of his mouth. He has gray skin and he has green clothing all over his torso, as well as a dark green, almost black shell on his back and armor of the same color. The Omnitrix is located on his chest]

Eatle:Eatle!Let's do this!

[He ripped a lamp post and starts eating it to charge up his horn laser]

Zombina:Oh, it's going to be fun~

[Eatle shot his laser to Rock-Trow which didn't phased the latter which charged and starts wrestling with Eatle]

Eatle:What in the world?!How'd you take that?!

Rock-Trow:Do you think your puny Oryctini laser would damage me?!

Eatle:Ummm, yes?

Rock-Trow:How dumb are you?

Miia:Like mega dumb and he's a dork.

[Rock-Trow grabbed Eatle and threw Eatle away, his back scrapping against the pavement and stopped in front of Lilith and Draco's feet]

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