Arrested Development

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[The episode starts with another attack from the robots from the 12th Dimension, Neon was a sasquatch-like alien with yellow and black fur, along with grey fingers and toes. He has four fingers, as well as two bolts on the side of his wrists. He has green eyes with black pupils and yellow lightning bolt-shaped horns. The Omnitrix is located on a black and green belt around his waist.]

Shocksquatch:Robots from the 12th Dimension, I hate them so much...

[While fighting, a shapeshifter was making fun of them, which slightly irritated them]

Shapeshifter:Didn't you forgot "It's Hero Time~?!"

Shocksquatch:Oh... I don't use that anymore... wait how do you know that?Besides I don't do autographs.

Shapeshifter:Oh come on! Pretty please?

[Shocksquatch groaned and shoots electricity behind his back destroying a robot, as he times out]

Neon:Hmmm... You seem familiar.

Shapeshifter:Uh... nope! Haven't met me! Say what happened to the black and white clothing you used to have?

Neon:Hmm?! Clearly you know me!

Shapeshifter:I'm Sherry!


Sherry:I sat next to you in the math class.

Neon:Doesn't ring a bell.

Sherry:I clearly asked you out one time!


[Sherry's eyes widen and she started to tear up at how dense Neon is]

Sherry:You don't remember me, you don't say your catchphrase and you don't use your old aliens! That's it... I'm gonna make you relive the good ol Days! And you sending me in that world! That's why I still look like my 10yr old self!

[The girls and MON heard the commotion and came to see them]


Sherry:You don't remember?

[Flashback, a 10 years old Sherry was cheering Neon up as he followed a thief in a alley, he turned into Snare-Oh. 10 year old Snare-Oh looked nearly identical to his present day counterpart, but the green got replaced by dark brown, his shendyt was black and yellow, the Omnitrix was still located on his wrist. He was missing his chin spine and his frill-like garment was dark brown and black]

Sherry:You can do it~!

[As Snare-Oh tied his bandages around the thief, another thief sneaked upon him, ready to shoot him with some kind of gun, only for Sherry to block it and being sent into another dimension, thus ending the flashback]

Neon:I didn't do that!

Sherry:While being in the 12th Dimension, my body never grew. I was lucky that I got a way to control the robots, after that... It was easy to come here.

Neon 10 Where stories live. Discover now