Darkness in The Sky

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[The episode started in a snowy location, 4 robotic beings were standing in front of a screen, the tallest white one was having her arms behind her back]

Gust-O:When is Forever Dad going to call us, I miss him...

Sunny:Don't call him that!

Shock-O:But aren't you two together mom?

Sunny:That doesn't mean he's your dad!Now silence, he's going to contact us any moment now!

[The Forever Knight came up on the screen crossing his arms, definitely irritated due to Neon's interference in his master plan]

Sunny:My knight, glad you called us.

Gust-O:Hey dad~!

Sunny:What did I just said about calling him dad?! Please my knight tell us what you need us to do.

Forever Knight:Get rid of Skye, I'll sent you his coordinates.

Sunny:Will do, no being in the universe is immune to the wrath of the weather.

[Sunny's eyes glows red as the scene transitions to Kii's forest where Heatblast was lighting up a campfire for the others]

Cerea:I don't think you should use the Omnitrix for such trivial matters, like you could've used rocks or matches.

Heatblast:Come on Cerea, that would've took ages to do, meanwhile even a small sneeze from Heatblast can light up the campfire.

Cerea:What if you need the Omnitrix later.

[Heatblast shrugged and pressed the Omnitrix to revert back to Neon who already placed a marshmallow on a stick]

Neon:We have a fire, that's the most important thing now, so grab a marshmallow or a carrot in your case and relax~

Cerea:Fine...But don't blame me if you need the Omnitrix in a few moments.

[Meanwhile the Weatherheads in human disguised arrived in the forest, they all had suitcases as they searched using their sensors to detect Neon]

Shock-O:Mom, I found him, alongside other 7 organic beings.

Sunny:Ughh,why do organic beings always group together...Anyways boys be prepared to start the operation.

Gust-O:Understood mom.

[They all placed their briefcases down which they opened and formed a tower, Papi saw it but shrugged it off believing it's just another tree]

Sunny:Phase 1 completed, proceed to phase 2.

Shock-O:Gust-O you're up.

Gust-O:Understood brother.

[Gust-O placed his hands on the tower which started to make the sky to go cloudy and very windy, putting off the campfire Neon made]

Neon:Oi! Umm...Didn't they said at the news that the entire weekend is going to be warm and sunny?

Miia:Maybe they got it wrong, personally I don't trust the weather segments at the news.

Neon:I think it's a thunderstorm.

Mero:Why you think so?

[A lightning bolt struck a log which shattered causing Mero to scream and jump from her wheelchair into Miia's arms shaking]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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