Return to Forever

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[The episode starts with a shop owner in her shop dusting her vases until Neon as a humanoid alien bursts through the windows. He wears a black and green jumpsuit covering all except for his green arms and feet, as well as a grey and black mask that covers his face. He has metallic eyebrows. The Omnitrix is located on a belt around his waist.When  his back hit against a wall he duplicated in 2 smaller clones of himself]

Alien:Ugh...Good thing this alien can be hit and duplicate afterwards.

[A black armored bulky knight with the visor down was outside, he had the same insignia as the Forever Knight on his stomach area]

Sir Phillips:Enough alien scum?

Slapback 1:We were just starting!

Slapback 2:Let's crush him!

[They dogpiled on him, due to the fact they duplicate, they became heavier, Sir Phillips wasn't able to lift himself off the ground, the Slapbacks were high-fiving eachother]

Sir Phillips:Off me! You frogs!

Slapback 2:You wish!

Sir Phillips:Partner! A little help wouldn't be too bad!

[But a black swiftly built ninja knight with a red V-shaped eye and a spike jutting from his head appeared and threw red energy kunais at them, which launched them into a another wall causing them to duplicate into 4 smaller Slapbacks]

Slapback 3:Sorry for the vases ma'am!

Shop Owner:I need a vacation...

Slapback 2:What's the magic word so we can beat you two faster~?

Sir Phillips:Abra kapocus!

[Suddenly, all the clones melded back together and reverted back into Neon which laughed awkwardly]

Neon:Not really the word I was looking for, but either way I can beat you two even without me being an alien...Another alien, cause I'm an alien and they left...Cowards.

[Back at the Forever Knight's castle, Sir Phillips and the Forever Ninja were kneeling in front of the Forever Knight who was sitting on his chair with his back]

Forever Knight:Why am I not surprised that you two ran away like cowards.

Sir Phillips:Skye is a formidable foe my Lord!

Forever Knight:I know, I know that's why my high scientists made a special remote to go against his device, I'm going to entrust you with the device...Don't mess up.

[Later, Neon was taking a stroll through the city, he saw some bulls in a pen, he was slightly confused as to why they were there, suddenly a kunai broke the pen's gate]

Neon:Oh you gotta be kidding me! Come on Omnitrix give me XLR8!

[He slammed the Omnitrix but he was given Humungousaur, he groaned but managed to grab anyone who was into the bulls' way]

Sir Phillips:Let's see what this can do.

Device:Vaxasaurian DNA recognized

Humungousaur:There, now to return those bulls back into their pe-Why do I hear beeping?

[Suddenly he was reverted back to Neon, he looked in disbelief as he was staring at his hands, he then saw Sir Philips with the device]

Neon:Great, your boss just gave you a shiny new toy to revert me faster and...Oi! Get back here! Cowards!

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