Null Vacancy

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[The episode begins with Zombina looking over the Null Void projector, Neon looked at her with a nervous look]

Neon:Be extremely careful with it, it's very sensitive.

Zombina:Heh, careful is my middle name~

[She threw the Projector in the air, causing Neon to scream in horror, he jumped and managed to catch it]

Neon:Are you insane! What did I told you!?

Zombina:Come on, I easily could've catch it.

[The rest of MON entered to see Neon & Zombina going at eachothers' necks, they sighed and approached them just in case the situation gets physical]

Tio:Ok you two, enough is enough, don't need to try to kill eachother.

Zombina:I just demonstrated Mr. Safety here why I can and will be gentle with the projector.

[She closed her eyes and had a smug expression, unknown to her that she accidentally pressed the ON button and sent them in the Null Void]

Neon:Oh Multiverse No! Zombina you undead idiot!

Zombina:...Not me!

Neon:Don't you dare put your fault on me!

Zombina:It's yours! Why didn't you simply took the Projector from me!?

Neon:Eh!? I tried to do that 3 times! Buuuutttt noooo, you continously moved it around away from me!

Doppel:How about you two agree that's both of you at fault.

Neon:Antivoid no! Zombina's fault! She get us out!

Zombina:Sometimes you're impossible, you know that? Don't worry either way, cause I have the Projector right he-!

[Suddenly a huge gust of wind blew the projector out of her hand and down in the red endless abyss underneath the rock they were locating on]

Zombina:Uh oh... I bet you're going to scream big time.

Neon:Y-you lost our only way out...YOU LOST OUR ONLY WAY OUT!

Zombina:Come on, you gotta have atleast one alien which can get us out of here, right?

Neon:I don't.

Zombina:You're kidding right? Well... We're boned.

[Neon scowled at her alongside Doppel, while Tio & Manako looks dissapointed, but suddenly their faces changed to faces of fear as a large shadow formed behind Zombina]

Zombina:What happened? Did the cat got your tongue?

[Suddenly some sickly yellow colored drool felt on her head, causing her to slowly look behind her, just to see some grey creatures that look like somewhat like Wildmutt, but with tentacles hanging from the undersides instead of legs and have wings]

Zombina:Ummm... Good flying doggos?

Neon:Zombina, those are Null Guardians... Which are definitely gonna mutilate us in the worst ways possible.

Zombina:Come on, you have a plan right?

[Neon immediately pressed the Omnitrix, the flash blinds the girls for a bit until the flash fades and reveals Heatblast]

Heatblast:Run for your lives!

[He launched himself in the air and started flying away prompting the Null Guardians to get aggressive, that caused MON to run after Heatblast]

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