O Mother, Where Art Thou?

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[The episode starts with two lamias inside a museum stealing pipes and equipment]

Lamia 1:You got the pipes?

[The other lamia was taller and the less smart and the doofy of the two]

Lamia 2:Uh huh! Uh huh!

Lamia 1:Lemme see the bag.

[The bag was pretty wet and had the pipes... And some things from the gift shop, mainly for little kids, that definitely irritated the shorter lamia]

Lamia 1:Dangit Rosie, I told you not to take the toys!

Rosie:But I wanted them Lilliane...

Lilliane:I told you, they'll get ruined by the pipes, besides you're too old for toys.

[Rosie pouted clearly hurt by Lilliane's comment, the latter sighed and facepalmed, they moved their heads to see MON pointing guns at them and Neon in front of them]

Lilliane:Dangit Rosie! See what you stealing toys lead to?!

Neon:Move your hands up.

Rosie:Sorry mommy made us!


Rosie:Mommy wants to use them for something!


[Before she could say another word her sister immediately muffled her with her hand]

Lilliane:Shut up!

[That made Neon and MON rose a brow in confusion, Lilliane growled at her sister and snarled at Neon and MON]

Lilliane:None of your damn business!

[Neon pressed the Omnitrix and turned into a mechanical humanoid in a green outfit, with the exception of his head and shoulders being a bluish-purple color, and he has four fingers on each hand, which are apparently gloved in black gloves with green fingertips. Like Water Hazard, he has nozzles or openings. He has two on both of his arms, one on each of his shoulders, three on the rim in between his shoulders, three on his head, one on his back and one in the center of his posterior. He has a belt with a window on his stomach so that the gas he uses can be seen. The Omnitrix is located on a where his mouth should be.]

Gutrot:Gutrot! I think it's clearly my business!

Lilliane:Don't get anywhere near us cloudbag!

Gutrot:Let's see if I can create truth gas to make you to chirp.

[That caused the lamias to sweat and shiver softly as Gutrot stomach gases started to swirl around faster but his phone starts buzzing]

Gutrot:What the, ummm... Can someone see who's calling me, I can't reach it.

Manako:It says "Mommy".

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