11 - People watch

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Double update today

She tried not to focus on how nice the man looked in his suit.

"Why are you sorry? You won."

Her heart was pounding. Why did talking to him fluster her?

"You made some good arguments, and you stayed out past your daughter's bedtime to do it."

She remembered Kristi's question. "She was really asleep."

"I never doubted it."

"Your friend did."

"I could apologize for her, but she's her own person. Did you want a drink?"

Did she? It had been months. She shook her head. "I was just going to get a seltzer."

"I'd be happy to get it for you as your consolation prize."

She looked at him to see if he was serious. "It's an open bar."

He laughed. "Busted. Lime?"

She nodded, and he ordered her drink. When he handed it to her, their fingers brushed, and he quickly pulled his hand back. "You know if my side lost, I would have probably bought Kristi a pound of chocolate."

"Where is she? Are you a couple?"

He began coughing. He choked on his sip of wine. "My friend, Dan, her husband wouldn't like me if we were."

Tessa knew they were friends but had wondered if there was more. She felt relieved they weren't a couple, but wasn't sure why it mattered.

"Your friend is pretty intense on social media."

He sighed. "The most I do is text and google. I'm glad not to know what she says."

"I know how powerful social media can be."

She had made a career out of manipulating social media to market whatever her clients were selling. That was then, because she no longer wanted anything to do with it. Changing the subject, she complimented his tie.

He smiled. "It was from my kids years ago. For Father's Day."

She bought David a tie for his first Father's Day. Sweep.

"Are you alright? Do you want to sit?"

"I'm fine. I don't plan to stay long."

"Neither do I. We could sit awhile and people watch."

She chuckled. He caught her off guard. "People watch."

"Sure, Korra and Rachel's friends should be interesting."

"A few people from the PTA are looking this way." She knew she should probably walk away, but he intrigued her. Feeling the need to keep the conversation flowing, she mentioned the weather.

"It was windy when I walked in."

He smiled. "I know it's from the storm that's hitting southern New England."

"You seem happy about it." She couldn't understand why.

He nodded. "It will bring good waves. I'm hoping to catch a few tomorrow."

"A few what?" She wasn't following him.

"Waves. You know. Go surfing."

"In March!"

"Sure. We go year round."


"My son and I. It's my escape."

"I didn't know people even surfed in Maine. Hawaii, yes, but not Maine."

He laughed. "It's nothing like Hawaii. Surfing in Hawaii is amazing."

"You've been?" She and David had talked about Hawaii, but her life had other plans. Sweep. He nodded. "Your son, surfs. Isn't it dangerous?"

He shrugged. "He's had lessons."

"I can't imagine letting my child do anything risky. I want them home with me and safe."

"The older they get, the harder it is. One day, they'll be driving a car." She shook her head. She never wanted that day to come. "As they get older, you'll change your views."

"I don't think so."

He smiled at her as if she was amusing. She felt dead serious.

A man walked over. "Patrick, why are you hiding in the corner?"

"I'm not hiding. This is my friend Paul. This is... I actually don't know your name."

She laughed. "Tessa Simon. I could pretend I don't know yours, but you seem to be a legend in town. I stood behind you once and people have been talking about you ever since, Dr. Bennett."

"Please, just Patrick." He shifted uncomfortably, like he didn't like the attention.

Paul asked, "And how do you two know each other?"

Tessa let out a nervous laugh. "We don't. It's safe to say we know some of the same people."

"We were discussing how she doesn't like Kristi."

Paul nodded. "You mean the overbearing woman who gave up her life to help your family?"

Patrick looked at his hands. "Not her entire life. She is selfless, but she's a bit of an onion."

Everyone who knew her described a woman who would give away her last dollar to help a friend. Tessa was not normally quick to judge, but her sixth sense told her the woman with a heart of gold didn't like her.

"If you excuse me, I'm going to mingle." Tessa stood and walked across the room to the other PTA members. Immediately, they bombarded her with questions.

"What's with you and Dr. Bennett?"

"Nothing. I just met him tonight. Does the entire town know who he is?"

"His late wife was an active member of our PTA for years, including president. We have a scholarship in her name. It's a small way to honor her. I'm sure you've heard about it at meetings."

She never paid attention when they discussed the scholarship. It hadn't meant anything to her.

"Well, this year the decision should be easy."

"Assuming she applies."

Tessa always seemed one step behind. "Who?"

"Her oldest daughter will graduate this year."

Tessa felt bad for the poor girl who would have to go through graduation without her mother. Kristi would probably take her shopping for her dress. She was filling all the gaps. Tessa sat alone as her companions left to dance with their spouses. She scanned the crowd for Korra, planning to go say goodbye.

Walking across the room, Patrick appeared in front of her. "Care to dance."

She shook her head. "I was on my way out."

"One dance. Your daughters must already be in bed." They were. Rita had texted her. She had told her to have fun and stay out as long as she wanted. "Just one dance."

Staring at his broad chest, she felt an overwhelming need to feel safe in strong arms, if only for a few moments. Sure that she would regret it, she nodded. He smiled and took her hand.

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