54 - Moods

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Double update today.

For five days, Kristi had avoided talking to Dan about his promotion. She was convinced she would rather be poor than move. Could they keep their house if they were poor? The question was, did she love The Point more than Dan? She knew the answer, but if he loved her, he would know he was asking the impossible. She spent a day imagining a 'for sale' sign in front of her house and strangers walking through and eventually making it their home. They would become Megan's neighbors, and Kristi would become that old friend who visited once a summer.

Then she imagined Dan working in New Jersey all week and being without him. It nearly killed her these past months. Could she get used to it? Was it fair to the kids or even Dan? In between she imagined Dan leaving her, having an affair with a New Jersey woman, and another time Dan hating her for ruining his career.

At four-thirty on Wednesday morning, he leaned over the bed and kissed her cheek. She pretended to be asleep and hoped he wouldn't see the tear that was threatening to drip down the side of her face. He had a six-thirty flight to Newark.

"I love you, Kris, but we can't figure this out if you don't talk to me."

She pretended to sleep. Even the kids knew something was wrong, because she had been irritable all week. She overheard a conversation between them.

"What d'you do?" Ivy asked Ben.

"Nothing. I thought you did something. Did you spill nail polish on your rug again?"

"No! Don't blame me. Maybe Dad did something?"

Ben said, "She hates when he goes away."

"Well, duh I do too." Ivy's voice was full of emotion. "Do you think they're fighting? They won't get divorced, will they?"

"No! Don't say that. She's probably just mad because of Doc's girlfriend."

"Why would she care if he has a girlfriend?"

"Because of her dead friend. He's cheating on her."

Ivy raised her voice. "Who said that? She's dead like in Full House. In Fuller House, DJ loves Steve."

"DJ Tanner isn't real. It's TV. Kevin says it's weird that his father is going out on dates."

"If mom and dad get divorced, they would date. Maybe mom would date Doc!"

"Ivy, that won't happen besides Doc wouldn't date mom. She isn't like that one he likes."


"Think about it. Mom looks like a mom and she looks young and..."

Ivy wasn't following, but Kristi was. "And what?"

"Well, not like a mom."

"She is one."

Ben sighed. "Yah, but just forget it. Mom and Dad are never getting divorced, and we have nothing to worry about. It's probably just you know one of her moods."

"Oh, because of her period?"

Kristi had to cover her mouth. Ivy had her first period a few months before. She couldn't believe Ben was talking about it with his sister. Their entire conversation was sad, especially her son's assessment that she was just a mom.

"I'm going to my room." Ben stood, and Kristi ran back to the stairs and pretended to just be walking down.

She was meeting Patrick early for coffee to discuss their plan of attack for the graduation party. She had told no one about Dan's promotion and really wanted to prove that she could handle her own problems privately, like Megan.

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