16 - Collide

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Double update today.

Her hand shook as she scanned her groceries. What had she agreed to? It was hard to say no when he insisted. Just the fact he was interested in her was intriguing. Interested? In what way, she wondered.

He looked as good as always. Did the man wake up gorgeous? Probably, but she would never know about it.

Why had she invited him to her house? He was a doctor, and she had a split level built in the seventies. He waited for her with his two bags in his hands. After she told him where she lived. He nodded, indicating he knew her neighborhood. His kids probably had friends who lived in the maze of streets.

She arrived first and grabbed only her perishables. She liked self checkout because she could fill her reusable shopping bags exactly the way she preferred. All the items needing the refrigerator were in one bag.

She was holding the bag in her hand when his car pulled into her driveway. Why had she agreed?

He was tall. As he approached her with a smile on his face, she remembered being in his arms.

"Can I carry those?" He pointed to the other bags in her trunk.

"I was going to wait until later." Her voice sounded meek.

"Let me bring them in. You can wait to unpack them."

She nodded, and he lifted the two bags with ease, including the one with the flour. She shut her trunk, and he followed her into her lower level, passed her laundry area, which thank God didn't have any bras drying. To the left of the stairs was a play area. Once up the stairs, she went straight to her kitchen. Luckily, she had returned after she dropped the girls to clean up breakfast. Some days she didn't get to it until after school.

Overall, her house was clean, but not a single bed was made. Her room was at the far end of the hall and couldn't be seen.

She directed him to put the bags on her counter. She busied herself putting the food in the fridge and taking out some deli turkey and condiments.

"Is turkey okay?"

"Fine. Let me help."

When she turned around, she bumped into his hard body. He reached out his arms to catch her. Her breath caught. How did they manage to collide so often? Her mind went blank as she stared at his lips, wishing they would collide with hers.

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