14 - A picture

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Double update today.

Snapchat and Instagram may be what the kids used, but Kristi was old enough to prefer Facebook. She overheard some teens at The Landing who said there were only grandmothers on Facebook. She wasn't close to being a grandmother.

Kristi was the first to admit she had too much time on her hands. Dan worked at the Portland office for a large bank. His hours were long during the week, but he dedicated his weekend to her and their family. When the kids were little, it didn't bother her, because on the weekend, he was a hands on dad and she had time off. Since her kids weren't little, she had too much time off, but didn't want to work either. Every time she thought about working, she remembered she put up with the winters on The Point for the summers. The last thing she wanted to do was spend her summer in an air-conditioned office when she could be at the beach with Megan.

Unfortunately, all her friends worked. She missed Erica. Her friend hadn't worked either, and they kept each other entertained until she was too sick. Then Kristi dedicated her time to helping. Other than their weekly visit at The Landing, Patrick didn't need her anymore. Sure, Kevin spent time at her house, but Nick did too.

She scrolled through Facebook on Monday evening, while Ivy was watching the Disney Channel and Ben was in his room, hopefully doing homework. Dan never made it home for dinner. Kristi would heat his meal after he came home while he changed out of his suit.

She looked at pictures of her friends' weekends. She stopped when she saw Patrick's face. He was talking to his friend, the dentist. She scrolled, and he was with that woman, Tessa. Next was a picture of him dancing with her.

She was pacing when Dan walked in. "Slow down Tiger, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." She lied.

"You look like you're circling your prey. Which kid did what?"


Dan laughed. "He's not your child, although you seem to want to run his life. Are you mad because he's dating?"

"I don't care if he dates. I care who he dates." She pulled up the picture of him talking. "He was dancing with her." She pressed her finger over the face on the screen.

"So, who is she?"

"Just someone I don't trust."

"What do you mean you don't trust her?"

"She's secretive. Private. She invites rumors."

"That's not a crime. Just because you like to know everyone's business doesn't mean they want to share it with you. Even your own best friends have secrets they refuse to share with you."

"Don't remind me." For years, she had been trying to find out Megan's secret, but had eventually given up. It still ate at her if she thought about it too much.

"Is she the one he's dating?"

"No, he's dating another woman. So why was he cozy with her and dancing?"

"Looks like you'll have something to talk about at your weekly date."

Dan teased her about her standing coffee date with Patrick, but he wasn't jealous.

My daddy's in heaven. As much as she hated to admit it, he had something in common with Tessa.

"Hey, Kris. I need to go to New Jersey again." He looked defeated. He worked long hours, but he liked sleeping at home every night. By home, she meant wherever she was.


"In the morning. Can you help me throw things in a bag?"

She smiled. "I'll help you pack. How long?"

"Until Friday. This project is going to kill me."

He was under a lot of pressure at work. If things turned out well, it could mean a promotion. Kristi could spend money, but given a choice, she'd rather him without stress. Title and advancement meant more to Dan. He'd been working on his career for over twenty years. It helped define him. Not to her, she defined him by how he treated her and their children.

She kissed his forehead. "Eat. Maybe I'll give you a send off later."

His eyes bugged out. "It's a school night."

"I know, but I want you to leave remembering I'll miss you."

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into him. "I want to leave with you remembering I'm the only man for you."

He was jealous of Patrick, but the truth was Dan was more than his lack of a full head of hair like the hunks, namely Peter and Patrick and.... The list went on. Even his softer middle didn't bother her, because he could still leave her boneless. She may flirt and tease, but her own husband met all her needs.

It was still dark when Dan leaned over the bed and kissed her goodbye. She reached up and touched his damp, smooth face. The lingering scent of his aftershave was on her hand as she drifted back to sleep.

Patrick sat waiting for her when she arrived on Wednesday morning. "Hi Ricky. Coffee, please."

"I could almost set my watch by you two."

"Yeah, if Kristi wasn't always late." Patrick called out from his seat.

"Only five minutes! Shesh! Tough audience."

Patrick laughed. "Some of us have things to do today."

"I do too!" When she reached the table, she whispered, "What do you have to do? Go dancing?"

He stared at her briefly before fixating on folding his empty sugar packet. "It was a party full of couples. Truthfully, I wanted to dance, and she was there."

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