48 - Beautiful

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This is the second of a double update.

On Wednesday morning they were running late again. It could have been because she was too busy thinking about seeing Patrick later.

In one weekend, everything had changed. Publically, they were a couple. Word had spread around town. The day before, when she went to volunteer, Becka Thorpe had greeted her with a big smile. Maybe it was her imagination, but everyone was looking at her differently.

"Good morning." She signed the girls in late again.

Lisa whispered, "I heard a rumor about you."

She wanted to dismiss her comment. She had survived by keeping her life private. Suddenly, it was more public than she could imagine.

She smiled. "The girls are taken with the big kids."

"I loved that family when they were here."

Tessa smiled, knowing that she meant she loved Erica. Everyone did. She turned with a wave and went out the door. She hadn't much time to get things done before Patrick arrived.

She offered to make him lunch, but he insisted on bringing something. The day before, she had replaced her beige bras. She felt heat in her neck as she thought about him discovering her new purchase. Years ago she had a drawer full of pretty lace. Sweep.

"Hello." She heard his voice as he moved through her downstairs.

He rounded the stair landing by her front door and began climbing the half a flight to her. Was it his tee shirt that hugged his fit body or his smile that made her pulse quicken?

"Hey there, beautiful."

"Hey yourself."

With his strong arms, she was instantly flattened against him. She tipped her chin to meet his lips. There was no need to play games. Dragging his lips off hers a fraction, he asked, "Do you want to eat later? I brought lobster rolls."

The Landing was famous for their coffee and lobster rolls. "Lobster rolls. All these lunches, you'll make me fat."

Patrick said, "I think it's too late to worry about that."

"Oh. I suppose you're right. I'm worried about your kids."

"You mean Hannah."

"Not just. The other two were a lot nicer to me on Sunday when they didn't know I was having sex with their father."

He followed her into the kitchen. "I'm not sure any of them thought that."

"Well, fine. Before they realized their father was touching my arm and hand."

Patrick said, "They'll get used to it."

She wasn't certain but didn't voice it as she poured two glasses of sparkling water, and asked, "Did you have coffee with Kristi?"

"I did. She's being very supportive of us. She's also planning Hannah's party for me."


"Graduation." Tessa nodded, but hadn't even thought past the scholarship. "My parents are coming from California. I think you should meet them."

"Hannah won't want me at her party."

"But we're dating. What will people think?"

She signed. "You know, the word is out all over town. Even the school secretary mentioned it this morning."

"I know. It's surreal. I left work on Friday resigned to you shutting me out and returned on Tuesday with a pregnant girlfriend."

"It's not too late. You don't have to claim the baby."

"Why do you even think I wouldn't want to? Besides, it's too late now we're known as a couple."

"I don't want to cause a rift between you and Hannah."

"She'll come around or at least tolerate it. Maybe she won't love her little sibling, but she would never hurt me. She may be Erica's daughter, but she was my little girl."

"I hope so."

"I feel lucky. Your girls are too little. They're already warming up to me."

"The tooth hasn't fallen out yet. It's hanging."

"Oh, I wish she would let me. I admit I miss some of that fun stuff when they were little."

"Thanks to Dollar Discount, you can live through it all over again."

"I haven't even asked how you're feeling?"

"I feel fine. I was only really sick with Maya, so hopefully I won't be this time."

"You know if you need anything, I'm here for you."

"I know. You're a good man." She meant it. He checked all the right boxes except baggage, but she had her share of that too.

He sighed. "So the graduation party. I guess I'll talk to Hannah. My parents are staying a week, so our Wednesdays alone are limited. Still, once school gets out, you and the girls can come to the beach."

"I feel overwhelmed thinking about how we are trying to fool everyone."

"What do you mean?"

"We're only in a relationship because of the baby, and we're pretending that it's more serious than it is."

"You were the one who gave up on us, but I understand your reasons. I'm not sure we're trying to be more serious than we are. I think we have an attraction." She felt the heat spread through her cheeks. "I think I see your answer."

"So we get along on the bed, but we hardly know each other." She couldn't deny her physical attraction.

"That's why we need to spend time together so we can change that. Can we get together again this weekend?"

"Another dinner?"

"No. Maybe. I don't know. Definitely a date."

"I'm busy on Friday night with dress rehearsal and Saturday for dance recital."

Patrick smiled. "So the girls will be tired. Maybe Gabby can babysit or your mother and we can go out to dinner. An actual date."

"Let me talk to my mother. She'll be at the recital, but she probably won't mind. She'll want to meet you."

"What does she know?"

"Just that I took another chance. She wasn't happy when I got spooked."

"I think I like her."

"Great. You'll gang up against me."

He took her hand. "I don't want to force you into anything."

They had both finished eating, and he dropped her hand and gathered the trash. She wondered if he was helpful before his wife was sick. He stood and threw the waste in the trash can.

"We can go to your couch and I can start my seduction there or we can go straight to your room."

"So you really just came over for sex."

He laughed. "There was no sex on Monday. If I remember, there was hardly a kiss."

"I'm teasing. I want it too."

He pulled her out of her seat. "I like it when you tease. You're not nearly as serious as you came off when I first met you."

"I was trying to keep my distance, but failed miserably."

He followed her down the hall into her room. "I don't want any distance." He lifted her shirt over her head. "Oh God, I would have eaten later if I knew this was under your shirt. You are so beautiful."

Tessa felt beautiful.

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