18 - Volunteer

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Double update today.

Tessa stood frozen as he left. First the famous Dr. Bennett was in her house, then he kissed her. Oh, what a kiss! She hadn't been kissed since David. Her body which she thought was dead had reacted. Her nipples were taut and pushing against her old padded bra. What did he want with her? Was it an elaborate scheme by Kristi Probst and others to find out her secrets?

Shaking out of her daze, she had to get moving. They went straight to dance class after school. There was no time to think about a kiss. She was a mother, not a woman. Certainly not the kind who kissed and dated a handsome man.

She hated to be late for pick up because parking was a nightmare. She loved how Chloe ran to her every afternoon. Maya had outgrown the hugging after school. Her priorities straightened out again after seeing her girls. She was a mother.

Perhaps it was a double standard as she drove away from her house Thursday evening. She had to attend the PTA meeting. When her mother was away, she dragged her girls with her. Just because she left them for a meeting didn't mean she wanted to for a man, no matter how good he kissed. Her belly dipped every time she thought of their kiss.

Women crowded the meeting room, but in another minute she would have been late. She took a seat next to Rachel. Tessa suspected she had been saving it for her. "Sorry." She whispered before she perused the crowd. Her eyes stopped on an unexpected face. She leaned into Rachel and whispered again. "Why is Kristi Probst here?"


Tessa didn't remember the scholarship discussions in previous years. The president started the meeting and the buzz in the room quieted.

Tessa listened to some business items, including plans to supply popsicles for Field Day in June. There was a status report from the committee planning fifth grade graduation.

"Next up is the book fair. Tessa and Rachel did an amazing job."

Unfortunately, Tessa had agreed to speak, which she was normally comfortable with, but the added audience member made her nervous. Did she know about the kiss?

She stood and refused to look at Kristi. Her voice was surprisingly strong. "The fair was successful thanks to all our volunteers and to the parents who bought books. Our sales were up $2,000 over last year. We provided each teacher with $50 to buy books for their classroom libraries. Our net profit was..."

The crowd applauded her message. The president said, "I think you're understating your efforts. You did a great job advertising. Thank you."

Feeling embarrassed by the praise, she sat down. The advertising was easy. It was her previous profession.

After a few items, the president announced Kristi's name. Tessa considered slipping out.

"I'm Kristi Probst and I'm here to talk about the Erica Bennett Memorial Scholarship. Some of you with older children may have met my dear friend Erica when she was a member of this organization for ten years. During that time she served as president twice and treasurer too many times to count. Even when she was battling her horrible disease, she took part in PTA activities until she wasn't well enough."

Kristi stopped and looked around. Tessa was certain she stopped on her. "We award the annual scholarship to a student each year who reflects Erica's amazing qualities. She excelled in math, she was a loyal friend and a selfless individual. There are multiple stories of how she stayed up to all hours to finish some project or another. If something needed to be done, hers was the first hand up." She stopped and cleared her throat. "I feel honored to have been her friend. Erica was loved by so many in your school and our town and of course by her husband, Patrick, and three wonderful children, Hannah, Gabriella and Kevin."

Tessa felt a tear and tried to wipe it away discreetly. She felt the pain of their loss. She had felt honored by Patrick's openness about his helplessness during his wife's illness. Kristi's speech helped Tessa to appreciate the woman she had never met. She felt confused about the memory of Erica's husband's lips on hers. Kristi was looking right at her when she mentioned Patrick loved his wife. Did she know? Was she sending her a message to stay away? She had tried, but the man was adamant about seeing her again. As amazing as kissing him felt, it was a mistake.

The president announced, "We need some volunteers for the scholarship committee." As if with a will of its own, Tessa's hand shot up. "Thank you, Tessa and Rachel and Julia. The highschool has the requirements. The deadline is May first. You'll need a quick turnaround to be ready for awards night before graduation. Tessa, will you chair?"

She nodded as another hand went up across the room. "Why all the fuss? Shouldn't Erica's daughter be awarded the scholarship?"

"She needs to apply like everyone else. They send the essays without names, so there is no guarantee."

Tessa felt the dread tumble through her stomach. What if she chose someone other than Patrick's daughter?

The meeting ended, and many stayed to socialize, but she wanted to get home to relieve her mother. She sensed someone behind her as she walked towards the parking lot.


She stopped and turned to see Kristi. "Why did you volunteer?"

She shrugged. "Honestly, your speech moved me. She must have been a wonderful woman."

"She was. She and I were close, and now I'm Patrick's best friend. He confides in me." Tessa panicked. What did she know? "Who do you have? Who's your best friend?"

Tessa stood with her jaw open. She couldn't figure out what game Kristi was playing. "I really need to get home."

She walked away quickly, but in her mind she was running away. Why would she confide in another when she couldn't face her own loss? One thing for certain, Kristi was the reason nothing would ever happen with Patrick, even if Tessa was interested in dating.

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