42 - Darkness

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This is the second of a double update.

Reliving the nightmare could send Tessa down a dark tunnel that she would have to crawl out of, or she could cling to Patrick to avoid the plunge into darkness. Being held by him wasn't enough. She needed to feel, so she reached down to show him what she wanted. David had left her, and she needed Patrick to remind her she was alive.

After she touched the ridge in his shorts, he touched her with both his hands and lips. She had an urgency that he must have sensed because he met her needs. The physical aspect of their relationship was on fire. By the time she was resting on his shoulder, she knew he had saved her from the darkness.

He ran his hand along her hair. "You are amazing. I guess it's okay we didn't have a condom."

How could he joke about their unexpected pregnancy?

He said, "For the record, it was my fault. I should never have bought them at the Dollar Discount. I took a closer look. The damn things had expired."

"I went there for the pregnancy test. Except I checked the date before I bought it. Some on the shelf had expired too."

"So it's Dollar Discount's fault. I'm getting used to the idea of a baby."

"What about when your kids find out?"

"That won't be fun. First, we have to get through tomorrow." He turned his head. "I have to go soon."

"Curfew. You know my kids already love Kevin and Gabby."

"It's Hannah I'm worried about. I feel like I'm losing her with this new boy. I hope this doesn't drive a wedge between us. She's the most like Erica and she had the hardest time of the three with her death."

"I don't want to hurt her. Maya isn't too keen on the tooth thing. Meanwhile, Chloe is probably trying to make another tooth loose. She likes Doc."

"I'm glad. Knowing they haven't had a father, I don't know, but maybe we'll decide I'm what they need."

Tessa couldn't think about so far ahead. It was all too fast and too soon. "Let's take it one step at a time. Once your kids know, it will be public knowledge. Let's deal with the fallout first."

"I have to go. Are you going to be okay?"

"I think so. Kelsey is here." Sharing with Patrick had lessened the burden slightly and the rest she would sweep away.

She walked him to the door and locked it after he left. As she climbed the stairs, her body shook. She felt overwhelmed by everything - telling him about the baby, their new relationship, and David.

"Are you okay?" Kelsey watched her from the sofa.

"I don't know. It's so much too fast. He's been such a good sport about the baby. He never got angry. He even took responsibility."

"Did you tell him what happened to David?"

She nodded. "I couldn't talk about what happened after."

"Nothing happened after, except you mourned your husband. You took the time you needed, then you picked up the pieces of your life and moved home."

Tessa knew it was worse than normal mourning. She was broken and giving birth had been the last straw. If not for Kelsey, she may have lost her girls. Kelsey saved her and made her focus on what was important, David's living legacies.

Kelsey squeezed her hand. "You're not that woman anymore. You're strong and an amazing mother."

"Patrick said I was strong. I don't feel it."

"Are you kidding? It took strength to go talk to him today."

She shrugged. "I had already resigned myself to having a baby alone again. I am reeling from the fact that I don't have to. He promised even if we aren't together, he will be with me during labor."

"Why wouldn't you be together?"

"A million reasons. What if his kids don't like me?"

She sighed. "Tessa, everyone likes you."

"But I'm not their mother."

"And you shouldn't be. Just be their friend. If you make their father happy, it will all work out."

She covered her eyes. "We had sex."

"No shit. You're having a baby."

"Tonight. Oh God, I seduced him."

Kelsey smiled. "Good for you. With a man like that, I would too. I lost count of all the gorgeous men on the beach, and none of them were single. One of them has to have a brother."

Tessa shrugged. "I don't know any of them well enough to know."

FYI There is no Kelsey story planned. I am too far ahead on my story list and she lives in NY. Sorry. I did introduce a new character in this story we will see later. Don't go crazy. It's subtle.

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