32 - Friday

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Double update today.

As Friday approached, two things concerned Patrick. The biggest was Tessa cancelling on him, and the second was his girls being home. Since the introduction of Ryder, Hannah's friends had been hanging around their house and the beach. He didn't mind, but he needed one night with the house to himself.

He was relieved Hannah had decided to attend Tufts. Seeing it one last time confirmed her decision. He liked how it wasn't too far from home, but far enough from the boyfriend. On the way home, they stopped at Bertucci's for brick oven pizza. They didn't have the chain in Maine. He looked around the table at his children and wondered who would be with him when he and Kevin looked at colleges. The thought of him and Kevin being on their own in a few years didn't set well. Maybe Gabby would choose to stay close to home. Over the next year, he would start all over again with college search for Gabby and driving hours for Kevin once he turned fifteen.

"So what's the plans for the rest of the week." He took the casual approach.

The girls shrugged. Kevin reminded them about his trip to Boston.

"What are your plans for Friday with your brother gone until late?"

Gabby looked up from her salad. "I'm babysitting for Abbie that night."

He hoped the Brenners planned to be out late. "Hannah?"

"I don't know."

"Well, Paul's been asking me to go out, so I might make plans. Can you make plans that don't involve our house and the beach?"


"Seriously, you know the rules. No kids when I'm not home."

"But then I have to leave early to be home by eleven."

"As long as I know where you are and when you leave to drive home, I'll give you until eleven-thirty." He turned to Kevin. "I know you're with adults, but you need to get used to notifying me too. So I want to know when you get on the road for home. Just a text."

He had hardly lied, and he had covered every base but one. He didn't know how to find out how long Gabby would babysit, because he never required texts when the kids were still on The Point.

Thankfully, his work days kept him busy. During his brief lunch break on Friday, he called Tessa. She had only responded to a few of his texts throughout the week. Holding his breath, he smiled when she answered.

He said, "I thought I should call to make sure you're coming."

"My mother is going to throw me out the door, so I'm driving around town all night or to your house."

"I can pick up some takeout on my way home."

"I'll eat before with my girls."

"Okay. I'm just not sure how long Gabby is babysitting."

"Late. They're planning to go to a bar, before dinner and then another bar."

He smiled. She had the information he was lacking. "So you have my address?"

"I'll aim for seven."

"Perfect. Bye Tessa."

Once he saw his last patient, he made his phone calls and left without lingering. The house was empty. Hannah had texted that she was at Lexie's. Gabby was babysitting.

Even though he would probably jinx it, he put fresh sheets on his bed. He ate some leftover pasta and watched the clock. He wasn't convinced she would actually show up. By six-fifty he began pacing, but stopped before he started perspiring.

He saw her car and walked out to meet her. His street was quiet with only two other year round houses. Both families had small children and probably weren't paying attention.

She dressed in black leggings and a long shirt which covered too much. His girls didn't cover their leggings and left nothing to a young boy's imagination. She wore some makeup and her lips shimmered. He wanted to kiss the color off.

Once inside, he watched as she scanned his home. It was all Erica. He had changed very little.

"Do you want a drink?"

"What are you having?" She sounded nervous.

"I have your favorite sparkling water or if you want a glass of wine."

"Maybe one."

He smiled, and they moved into the kitchen. He poured two glasses of red. She took a sip and put her glass on the granite countertop.

He asked, "How was vacation week?"

She smiled. "Nice and relaxing. The girls had some play dates, but I like when we can slow down."

"Because school starts early." He teased.

"It does." She pouted.

He smiled. "I was teasing. If you want to stick out that lip, I wouldn't mind sucking on it."

Color filled her face, and he stepped in front of her. She looked up at him, but her eyes shifted to his lips. That was enough of an invitation. He slowly caressed her lips with his own. She sighed and leaned into his body. He released her and picked up his wine.

She took a sip of her own. "Gabby is amazing with kids."

He smiled. "She loves them. I think she'll be a teacher, but I could be wrong. Hannah is considering either dentistry or medicine."

"Your friend was nice to me. Does she know about this?"

"No one does. Have you told anyone?"

"My mother knows I'm on a date."

He smiled. That was monumental. He kissed her again. By the time his lips moved off hers, he pinned her back against the counter. He started on her neck and moved to the sweet spot behind her ear. His hands found her hard nipples and teased them as he had before.

She melted into him. Stepping back, he took another sip and watched as she took a longer one. He hoped it would give her liquid courage.

With their glasses empty, he led her to the sofa to continue. As he was attempting to lift her shirt, she stopped him.

"What if your friend walks in?"

"She's in Boston."

"One of your kids."

That was unlikely, but not impossible. "We can go behind a locked door."


"Upstairs." She bit her lip. "The choice is yours, but I want you. The last time, I used up all my restraint."

"I don't know."

He said, "Come upstairs, but it doesn't have to mean yes."

He held his breath until she nodded. Once upstairs, she paused in the doorway to his room.

"This was her room."

"The entire house was hers, but this is the only room I've changed. She spent too much time here, too sick to be downstairs. The mattress and bedding are both new."

He had put her picture in his drawer. If the night went as planned, he didn't need Erica looking at him. He took her hand and tugged her into him.

"I want to know everything about you and every part of you."

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