61 - Siblings

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This is the second of a double update.

Kristi had a busy weekend with graduation. She was happy to have Dan home. She tried not to think of the unknown, but focused on their decision not to move. Helping Patrick with Hannah's party and going to the other parties reminded her of why The Point was so special.

She was ready to face the week smiling even though Dan was heading back to New Jersey, again. It was the last week of school. She was playing tour guide on Monday for Patrick's parents. Smiling, she was needed. It would also give her a chance to find out what Dawn Bennett thought of her son's girlfriend.

The only pressing thing on her agenda was to have a talk with Hannah. Patrick had the patience of a saint not to yell at her in front of her friends. She should be grounded for how she treated Tessa's gift. When had she become such a brat?

She arrived at the Bennett house at ten-thirty, because Dawn had informed her she was on California time. Teenagers stayed up late and slept in, making it the perfect schedule. Hannah was in the kitchen with Gabby.

She ignored Hannah. "No school Gabby?"

"I took my English exam this morning. I have two more tomorrow."

"Do you want to come sightseeing with us?"

Before she could answer, Hannah said, "I'm going to the beach. It's the day after graduation tradition."

Gabby said, "I might hang out with Logan on the beach."

Hannah shot her a look. "Logan should be with me it's my graduation."

Gabby rolled her eyes. "They're my cousins too, and Logan and I are friends."

Dawn walked into the room and looked at both girls. "Hannah, Gabby is right. Logan came to see everyone, not just you."

She shook her head. "Siblings. I was a referee for years. Poor Patrick having to deal with it on his own."

Kristi looked at Erica's daughters. Erica had always fostered a friendship between them. It was little things, but they were close, like Tessa girls, or like Nick and Sophie, who had that special twin bond. "Your mother wanted you to be close. She..."

"She's not here." Hannah said as she got up and left the room.

She left the three just looked at each other. Gabby said, "I think graduation was harder than any of us thought. I thought Dad was going to cry when we were taking pictures."

Dawn said, "He will always miss your mother, especially on happy days."

Kristi felt her own tears. She was standing in her friend's kitchen, and very little had changed since Erica invited her in for the first time. The refrigerator wasn't covered with artwork, but her cookbooks still lined the shelf. Kristi had been with Erica when she bought the dish that Hannah had left on the counter when she left the room. Gabby stood and put her sister's dish in the dishwasher before leaving the room.

Dawn frowned. "It takes a long time. It's easy for me to go on with my life being so far away. Being here, I'm reminded every two minutes. I know you've been helping him, all of them. Thank you."

Kristi forced a smile. "So it looks like it's just the three of us. Is big Kevin ready?"

She nodded. "He's sitting on the deck. Kevin, come on!" Kristi smiled as she hollered to her husband.

Kristi drove them to Cape Elizabeth to see Portland Headlight. It surprised her they hadn't been to the iconic lighthouse before. Kevin took his time reading the plaques about the war history of the old fort. It had been used to protect from a German invasion. She took them to the Lobster Shack to stand in line. It was always crowded with tourists and locals. The food was good, and the atmosphere was better. It was situated right on the rocky shoreline with outside tables featuring the view of the open Atlantic.

Kristi didn't think it was the best lobster roll in southern Maine. "Rick's are better, but the haddock sandwich is amazing here."

She encouraged her guests to browse the adjacent gift shop while she waited in line. It was worth the wait once they finally sat at a picnic table with their tray of food.

"Delicious. Thanks for babysitting us today." Dawn smiled at her.

"I've enjoyed it. So graduation was hard?"

Dawn nodded. "Something's not right."

"What do you mean?"

"With Patrick and Tessa. He said she ran away from the party."

Kristi sighed. "I don't know her well, but she had a reputation of being very private. So private it sparked rumors. People only knew she was raising those girls alone, but not why."

"She lost someone just like Patrick."

Kristi nodded. Although it wasn't just like Patrick, it wasn't her place to correct her. "I genuinely think they like each other, but she is uncomfortable with the attention of being the popular doctor's girlfriend and your grandchildren have not been welcoming to her."

"I'm glad you are supporting this relationship."

"I didn't at first. Patrick has accused me of fueling Hannah. There was the whole thing about the scholarship, but that's over now." They listened as she explained what had happened.

Dawn sighed. "Hannah has disappointed me."

Did Hannah say something to Tessa at the party? Tessa was vulnerable enough to believe her.

It was almost time for her kids to be home from school when she dropped the Bennetts back at Patrick's house. She was glad to see Megan's car, she often came home early on exam week.

"Hello!" She walked into her friend's house. Megan came down the stairs wearing shorts. There was a stack of papers on the table. "Exams?" Kristi pointed to the table.


"Could you keep an eye on my kids this afternoon?"

"Sure. Are you okay? You haven't seemed yourself lately."

"It's not about me. What's Tessa's address?"

Megan eyed her. "Don't stir up trouble."

"I'm trying to fix something."

The Lobster Shack - can't beat the view.

The Lobster Shack - can't beat the view

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