12 - Dance

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This is the second of a double update.

Patrick didn't think it was possible, but she felt more petite than Erica in his arms. Of course, his first dance with another woman and he was thinking of his wife. Odd that he didn't think of her when he had sex. He didn't want to think about sex as he held the blond beauty in his arms. Tessa. At least he knew her name.

Her shampoo filled his nose, it was musky yet feminine. As his hand rested on her narrow back, he thought of how she had held her child for at least a half an hour.

He didn't know where to look. If he looked down at her, it might feel awkward. As he stared straight ahead, he saw eyes on him. He concentrated on his steps, while she easily followed his lead.

He wished she would relax, but she felt stiff in his arms. Any attempt to help her relax would seem like he was hitting on her. Not that he hadn't considered asking her out, but he was still dating Noelle. Feeling like a fish out of water with the whole dating thing, he put his arms down when the song ended and stepped back. Smiling, he said, "Thank you."

She had pink on her cheeks. "I'm just going to say goodbye to Korra and Rachel."

He nodded. "It was nice to meet you officially, Tessa."

Resisting the urge to offer to walk her out, he went to the bar for a second drink. Paul met him.

"What's with you and the pretty blonde?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to dance and I could have asked Korra, but Rachel might get jealous."

"You can dance with my wife."

He smiled. "That's your job."

As soon as his glass was empty, he left. It was just after ten and his house was empty. He texted Gabby to let her know he was home. He could pick her up at the Probst's or she could walk with Kristi when she walked the dog. It was odd to be home alone late at night.

At three past eleven, Hannah came home.

"You're late."

"Two minutes."


She knew he wouldn't do anything about it. There had to be a brief grace period, but he didn't plan to share that thought with her.

She asked, "How was your party?"

"Good. Paul was there." He had no plans to mention he had danced with a woman. "How was your night?"


"What did you do?"

"Just hung out and yes, her parents were home."

"You know you can invite your friend here."

"You're never home anymore. Besides, it's better in the summer when we hang out on the beach."

He had gone on two dates and to one party. He was home enough. Still, he had a coffee date in the morning. If he was lucky, he'd be back before his teens woke up.

At least, they were meeting in Portland and not at Starbucks. He wasn't a fan of the overpriced coffee giant.

He arrived first and waited at a table. When Noelle arrived, she smiled. She was kind of pretty. He wavered on his feelings towards her. She leaned in and kissed him full on the mouth. The public kissing made him uncomfortable. He hadn't felt that way when he dated Erica.

"We should order." He pulled out his wallet to pay. He'd prefer to be having Rick's coffee, but there was no way he was inviting Noelle to Erica's former turf.

"How was your party?" She frowned.

"It was nice. I didn't stay late."

"Because of your kids?"

"No, because I chose to leave." He smiled. "I caught my daughter three minutes late from curfew."

"Three minutes what are you a tyrant?"

"Of course not. I gave her a pass."

"You never said, where is their mother?"

He looked at her, tongue tied. The answer that popped into his head was heaven. Although he had traded church for waves, he believed. It brought him peace to think of her in heaven.

Instead he said, "I've been a widower for two years now."

"So you really are stuck with your kids."

Stuck! He was stuck with a lot of things - laundry, dishes, bills, shopping. "I'm not stuck with my kids. Being their dad is my most important job."

"But you're a doctor."

"That's my profession, but I am a Dad. I love being their dad." He just hated being their mom, too.

"How old is the youngest?"

"My son is fourteen."

"So three or four years until he is gone."

"Don't remind me. I keep wondering how he got so old." She frowned, and he sighed. "I think we both know this won't work out. I enjoyed getting to know you."

He understood. She wasn't interested in dealing with teenagers. He had considered asking Tessa out, but he was no different. He didn't want to get involved with little kids. He had been there and done that.

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