36 - No

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Double update today.

His kids were excited about the annual Plover Way party. He always made an appearance but never stayed too long. For the first time in many years, it would be a warm day.

He kept wondering if Tessa would show up. Megan and Kristi invited everyone they knew, so she must have been invited. At their last coffee, he waited for Kristi to complain that Megan had invited Tessa, but she hadn't mentioned her in weeks. She was too busy planning Hannah's party. Maybe he made a mistake giving Kristi the reins. If he did it on his own, they'd have pizza without plates or something equivalent.

He was cleaning up the pancake mess from breakfast when his phone buzzed with a notification. Breakfast was a misnomer since it was ten-thirty. He assumed it was Kristi and ignored it until he wiped the counter down and dried his hands.

Hannah went to pick up a large order of cupcakes for his contribution to Kristi's party. His instructions to her were drop them at the Probst's before the road closed. It could have been Hannah. So he felt nervous when he picked up his phone.

T: can we talk? Your house? The beach? Some place alone.

It had been over a month and she was finally reaching out to him. Part of him wanted to say no, but another part knew he pushed too fast and scared her. The way he resolved it internally was she wasn't ready, and he didn't need the complication. If she had something she wanted to say, he would listen.

P: My house. I can text when I'm alone.

Hannah was the last to leave. She went to the beach with her friends. Much to Patrick's dismay, Kristi had invited them all to the party.

He texted Tessa and paced while he waited for her to appear. She looked apprehensive as she approached his house. She also looked beautiful in a dress that showed off her legs.

He opened the door and stepped aside so she could walk in. She looked at her feet as she mumbled, "Sorry."

He shook his head. "I pushed you. I knew you weren't ready."

She looked up at him. "I know you won't understand, but that night my youngest got sick and then Maya and me. I was convinced it was my punishment. I know it was irrational."

"Like I said, you weren't ready. I have been worried about the broken condom. I hoped it was alright."

She sighed. "No. That's why I'm here."

He felt the blood pumping in his ears. "No." She shook her head. "Oh shit." He tried to let it sink in. "I'm a fool worrying about Hannah doing something stupid and I did."

She was remarkably calm when he felt sick. "I'm raising two on my own. I can add another."

He suddenly felt protective. "It's my child."

"You don't want to go backward. Your daughter is graduating."

He thought of Jack. He never wanted any of it, but it happened.

"It was my fault."

She looked at him with her beautiful eyes. "What do you want to do? We had a handful of dates. We don't really know each other."

"We need to change that. Even if we don't work out, we need to get along for our child." Did he just say that? "You need to trust me."

She stepped backward. "What are you saying?"

He wasn't sure. "Let's date publicly and we can wait about the pregnancy." Just the word caused him to sweat. "We'll just tell the truth. We wanted to get to know each other before we told our kids."

"Your teenagers will do the math."

"Fine, maybe the baby will be small."

"What about Kristi?"

Patrick didn't hesitate. "I'll tell her the truth."

"The truth?"

"Yeah, that we started dating in March and..."

It was Tessa's turn to look sick. "And what? The condom broke. She'll hate me more than she already does."

"She doesn't hate you. She'll probably think it's funny. Is it okay for me to admit that I'm freaking out? I wasn't looking to start over with a baby."

Tessa nodded. "I suppose my kids being little is the least of your problems."

"I need to tell my kids we're dating. Can you come over tomorrow for dinner?"

Tessa stepped back. "So soon?"

He stepped towards her. "It's about a month too late."

"My friend is visiting from New York, but she's leaving in the afternoon."

He was through playing games. "New York, where you worked in advertising and had a nanny. I want to know you. I want to know your past."

She frowned. "Kelsey was the nanny."

"I'm coming to your house tonight. We can talk there or go for a drive, but I think it's time you trust me."

He watched as she swallowed. "I need to go back. Are you going to the party?"

"I was planning to." He smiled for the first time since she arrived. "We can talk and give everyone something to gossip about."

"I hate gossip."

"I know and you're going to tell me why tonight." He reached for her hand. "Wednesdays just haven't been the same."

She bit her lips and averted her gaze. He reached out and lifted her chin. "If we're dating. I'll want to kiss you and a lot more."

He didn't let her respond. He kissed her slowly and sensually. The fist in his gut loosened when she kissed him back. She pulled away. "I have to go back to the beach."

He smiled. "I'll see you soon."

She walked out of his house and he sunk into a chair. Rubbing his hands over his face, he let it sink in. When his kids left for college, he wouldn't be alone. He would either be a weekend Dad with his child or a full-time husband and father of three young children. Should he marry her? If he did, they'd have six kids. It was a hell of a way to combat an empty nest. He'd be sixty-three when the baby turned eighteen.

Kristi would be shocked, but once it sunk in, she would laugh at him and diapers. He would eventually have to tell his mother and Erica's mother. A guttural groan filled the room. He had warned Hannah about ruining her life. Had he ruined his? He'd definitely changed it. He had created the need for some very awkward conversations, but his life was not ruined. His kids would still love him. He'd still have his career. He could afford another child and the other two.

Each of Erica's pregnancies were celebrated. He felt guilty for not feeling the same with this one. He walked up to his bedroom and opened the drawer. He reached for the box of condoms and turned it over. He bought a box of expired condoms. He should sue that store for selling them. Wasn't it illegal? He put them in the kitchen trash and took the bag to the can outside.

He set out for the beach, but he'd rather be surfing. He would go to the party, if for no other reason to have a drink. He needed one.

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