22 - Taboo

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Where could it go? He didn't know. When he didn't immediately answer, she continued. "My kids are still little, yours are almost grown."

"Don't remind me. In five years, I'll be alone. We thought we'd always have each other when we started our family. We didn't want to wait until I was practicing."

Having Hannah while he was in medical school wasn't so bad, but once he started his residency Erica was on her own in a new city. Then Gabby came along.

"I hardly saw my first two as babies. I worked around the clock as a resident."

"You are a real doctor?"

If he had a dollar, every time someone asked that question. "Yes, and a dentist."

"Was that what you always wanted to be?"

"I started out wanting to be a dentist. The surgery piqued my interest and instead of looking for a practice, I applied to medical school."

"Wow. That's impressive."

It was nice she appreciated his career. He had worked hard and given up a lot. Erica bore the burden with babies and a husband who was hardly ever home. Only the promise of a brighter future helped them survive it. He feared he'd go home to their tiny apartment to find a note. She stuck by him and he gave her the life she deserved until fate stole her away.

"Patrick, are you done eating?" He had been staring at the last few bites on the greasy white paper. He nodded, returning to the present.

She smiled. "That was good. Thank you."

"Tell me something about your life before you were a mother."

She hesitated. "I went to school in New York. Fordham University. I loved the city when I was young."

"What did you study? Did you stay after you graduated?"

"Marketing. I worked in the city. Eventually I worked at an advertising agency. It was crazy and fun."


She shrugged. "It was time to come home. Here I am."

"Why do I feel you glossed over about fifteen years?"

"My current job is the most important one I've ever had."

"And I'm glad you took a few hours off."

He stood and began picking up the wrappings. She pointed to her trash can. After disposing of the waste, he pulled her into his arms.

"This feels good." He kissed the top of her head. All her curves pressed into his body, which was pulsing with desire. "I wish you would trust me."

"Trust you with what?"

He could think of two answers, her secrets or her body. He wanted both in any order. Instead of answering, he kissed her. When her mouth was on his, there was only the moment - no past.

They moved out of the kitchen and onto her sofa. The room had evidence that little girls lived there - DVDs, toys, stuffed animals. His house used to be the same.

"I don't have long before school's out."

"Time for me to kiss you more."

"I still don't know why you want to kiss me."

"You're beautiful inside and out."

"You don't even know me."

"I want to. Tell me something." He held her hands.

"This morning, Chloe cried because the dress she wanted to wear was dirty. I felt like I failed."

"Because you were behind on the laundry? Kids need a little disappointment. It prepares them for the things they can't control."

"Your kids experienced more than a little disappointment."

He nodded. "But they're going to be okay. We talk. No subject is taboo."

He watched her close herself off. Too many subjects were taboo. He chose to ignore and pulled her across his body and kissed her. She must have felt his erection, but he didn't care. Her weight felt amazing until she sat up.

She ran her hand along her soft blond hair. "I have to go."

He didn't want to leave. "I don't have your number." She smiled. He handed her his phone, and she texted herself. He kissed her again. "Next Wednesday."

She smiled. He was glad he made her smile.

At four that afternoon, he was folding towels, trying not to hum or smile too much. There was a knock at his front door, but before he could reach it, he heard her.

"Hello." He smiled at his friend. "You canceled our coffee." She looked disappointed.

"I know. I wanted to round my patient. It was a complicated surgery. Then I had things to get done." Like go to his lunch date.

"We didn't get to catch up."

He chuckled. "I made you and Dan breakfast on Sunday morning." When they picked up Ben and Ivy.

He handed her a glass of sparkling water without asking. She took a sip and sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you think Dan is having an affair?" He had just drunk some of his water to prevent himself from choking as he laughed, he spit it out in the sink. "It's not funny!" Was she serious?

"Kristi, I just watched your kids so you could have a romantic evening. You were both smiling like cheshire cats. Why would you say that?"

"These damn New Jersey trips!"

"The ones he hates as much as you. The man loves you. Stop worrying. This is just a bump in the road for you, not a collision. Jesus, look who you're talking to?"

One thing he had learned through Erica's illness was not to sweat the small things. They were meaningless in the scheme of life. He patted her arm. "Dan loves you. Just relax."

"I know I'm being selfish. How was your patient?"

"As I hoped. I promise I won't cancel on you next week. Let's just meet a little earlier so I can get my errands done." Translation, so he could have more time with Tessa.

His lunch had gone better than he expected. When she was in his arms, they had chemistry. It wasn't like that with Noelle or in Hawaii. Smiling, it was light years from his kiss with Sasha.

"Are you alright?" Kristi eyed him suspiciously. He feared she could read minds.

"I'm fine. Things are okay here in the Bennett house. If you stick around, you can see me cook dinner."

"I get the message. I'll go home. Thanks for the talk."


He followed to the door and held it while she walked through. No surprise, her dog Tucker was tied around the rail of his porch. Truthfully, the dog was so good, if Kristi had told him to stay he probably would have. How did she have such a calm dog? He shook his head.

His towels were folded and only Kevin was home. He knocked on his door and opened it. He was at his laptop with earbuds in. He turned his way.

"Are you studying or playing?"

He groaned, "English."

Patrick saw his screen had words on it. "Okay, dinner in an hour."

Alone in his kitchen, he pulled out his phone. If he was going to be thinking about her, he might as well let her know.

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