27 - Yes?

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Double update today.

Patrick had texted his plan to pick up burritos for lunch. Tessa had offered to make lunch, but he wanted to treat her. He called in their order as soon as the restaurant opened and picked them up fifteen minutes later. If he wasn't getting the food, he would have wanted to be at her door at nine am.

Instead, he met Kristi. She was calm, but Dan wasn't traveling. The following week was vacation week. Patrick expected she would be a mess if he traveled that week.

"So Friday of vacation, I want to take the kids to Boston. Can Kevin join us?"

"If he wants. What are your plans?"

"To make a full day of it. Don't expect us back until late. Science museum, Quincy Market, dinner. Not sure what else."

"It sounds exhausting."

"Dan took the day. It'll be fun."

"It should be a family day."

"Nope. The kids are happier with their friends, so we'll take Sophie and Nick too."

Kevin would want to go if Sophie was going. More importantly, with Kevin out, he could make plans if Tessa would agree. They couldn't spend Wednesday of vacation week together. He had already planned to take Hannah to visit Tufts University, her first choice of the schools she had been accepted to.

Tessa wore black jeans, the skinny kind that Hannah liked to wear. Her long sleeve shirt fell just below her waist. As he followed her upstairs, his eyes were at her perfectly shaped buns. He hadn't even touched her and he was getting stiff.

Dropping the bag on her kitchen table, he pulled her against him. "I missed this."

How did she fit so well against him? He put his hands on the side of her head and smiled when her lips parted in anticipation. She could deny a lot, but he knew she enjoyed kissing him.

He found it difficult not to take every kiss deep. Once he felt her soft, full lips, he always wanted to devour them. It didn't matter that they were standing in her kitchen. He had to remind himself not to press her against the wall or fridge. He felt like a teenager again.

After what must have been an eternity, but was still not long enough, he released her.

"Should we eat?"

She nodded and after they sat down, she asked, "How was your date?"

Shaking his head, he smiled, hoping she was teasing.

"First, keep in mind what I told you. I didn't ask you out until after I ended it with the woman I was seeing. I wouldn't be seeing you if I was having an affair. Second, I hate to say the word cringe, but I have two very different physical reactions to the thought of kissing you and your accusations about Kristi. Do you care to know about my reaction to your kisses?"

She stared at her food, probably hoping to hide her pink cheeks. "I think I have an idea." It came out as a sigh.

"As for my coffee, something came up I wanted to talk to you about." She looked up and her caramel eyes met his. "We won't be able to meet next week and two weeks is too long. They're taking Kevin to Boston until late on Friday. Can you get your mother so we can see each other?"

She paused. "Let me think about it? What about your girls?"

"They are always busy socially if not, I'll tell them I have plans."

"If we go out in public, Kristi will find out."

"Then you can come over."

She smiled. "I am curious to see your house. But only if your girls are really out."

"Is that a yes?" He smiled.

She nodded. "A conditional one."

"And your mother won't mind?"

"She'll be thrilled I'm going out. I just hope she doesn't tell my sisters."

"How many?" Maybe she'd open up about her family.

"Two. We don't really get along. I'm the youngest. One didn't agree with me when I had a career and the other doesn't like it I don't."

"Do they have kids?"

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