23 - Brrr

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They had just piled in the house from dance classes, when she felt her phone vibrate. Expecting it to be her mother, she glanced at the screen and her hand shook when she saw his name.

She saved him in her contacts as Dr. B. She could have chosen Dr. P or just P or even Pat. He didn't seem like a Pat. Maybe she would ask if he had a nickname. What if his wife called him Pat? David called her Tess or Tessie, but he learned to from her parents. Occasionally, hearing her mother address her that way caused her to pause.

Chloe pulled on her shirt. "Mom, did you see my dance?"

"Yes, baby." Chloe smiled and skipped away. She had seen eight girls not in synch.

"What about mine?" Maya looked up at her with David's eyes.

"Of course, sweetie. You really know your tap."

Once Maya had flitted away, she opened the text.

Dr. P: Had a great time. Can't stop thinking of you.

Her belly rolled and she couldn't distinguish if it was nerves or excitement. Perhaps when the girls went to bed, she would write some pros and cons about continuing to see him. Kisses would be at the top. What kisses lead to, she couldn't decide if it was a pro or con.

She had casual sex before when she was a lot younger and single. When she first met David, she assumed they were casual, but he had other plans. It took her awhile to realize he was serious. He was older and already establishing his career. Plus, he came from a connected family.

His persistence finally convinced her he was in love with her. She had already fallen. Her heart ache came just not when she expected.

With Patrick, she once again was wondering, why me? He wouldn't want a serious relationship with her, not with her kids being so young. It would be a step backwards. Tessa had to decide if she was ready for a casual affair.

He was sexy and gorgeous, but it had been over six years since she had sex. Casual sex worked before she experienced the real thing. Did she want to go backwards? Not without David. She squeezed her eyes shut and let the memories flow. The good ones - lying in bed on Sunday mornings, her dress falling in a puddle at her feet after a night out, his hand on her swollen belly, him blowing on Maya's belly while she giggled.

The tears leaked out. She missed him every day. She wished she could ask him what she should do about Patrick. If she could ask him, she wouldn't need to. Sweep.

Tessa hadn't replied to Patrick's text. On Saturday morning, her phone was blinking again.

Dr. P: I wish it was our date night.

She'd be home with her girls just like every night. Maya was playing at her friend's house for the afternoon. Once again, Chloe was invited to play with Abbie.

When they firmed up their plans, Megan had suggested they bring warm clothes to walk on the beach. The plan caused Chloe to bounce around excitedly. Maya frowned, knowing she was missing out.

"You'll have fun at Arianna's house. You always do."

Tessa felt comfortable letting Maya play at her friend's house without her. She wasn't close to the mother, but the woman was a pediatrician. She had spoken to their nanny more than the doctor.

Tessa trusted Megan, but she always invited her to stay. As usual, the girls disappeared the minute Chloe crossed the threshold and kicked off her boots.

"Come sit down. We can take a walk in a while."

Her husband was working in the kitchen. Tessa never knew a man who did kitchen work. Her father never did, and David was too busy. They had a part-time housekeeper and a nanny.

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