79 - I do

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Double update today.

Kristi sat on Patrick's deck with a glass of wine. Patrick was playing corn hole with Dan, Paul, and Gabby. Hannah was in the corner of the deck with her three friends. Ryder had his arm around her, but the other couple wasn't as handsy. Her kids were in the yard playing with Kevin and Paul's three.

Paul and his wife Leslie were Patrick and Erica's closest friends. The families often spent Thanksgiving and Easter together. Like her and Dan, they were transplants to Maine. Their kids were Kevin's age and younger, with the youngest only seven. Kristi thought Leslie's kids could easily bridge the gap between Patrick and Tessa's children. Tessa wasn't at Hannah's party, because Hannah refused to invite her.

Leslie whispered, "Tell me about this woman. I met her twice. Once at Korra's party and then at the graduation party. They looked... comfortable that day."

"Doesn't he talk to Paul?" Kristi knew the two doctors often ate lunch together.

"Not really. I just know they're dating. Is she coming today?"

Kristi shook her head. "Hannah isn't happy with their relationship."

"Is it a relationship or something else?"

Kristi laughed. Something else was definitely involved. "He likes her. I'm not sure if he knows how much yet, but if Hannah wasn't being such a brat, he might actually admit how he feels."

"Do we like her? I'll admit Erica was my friend for a long time."

Leslie was asking Kristi if she should accept Tessa. "I do. They are right for each other in a lot of ways. The thing that surprised me most is how he has taken to her daughters. I think he loves them."

Leslie whispered, "He could have a whole other family. Do you think they would have one together?"

Kristi shook her head. "I think he knows he's too old for that."

Leslie laughed. "Are men ever too old for that? How old is she?"

"Younger. Mid thirties. I never asked."

"I guess I should invite them over and try to get to know her. I was procrastinating because of my memories of Erica, but if they are serious..."

Kristi looked around because she knew she was about to betray a confidence. "Erica made him promise to replace her. Hannah doesn't understand, but it's important we do for Patrick." She looked over at Hannah. "This whole thing with Hannah is hard on him." Then she looked at Patrick as he threw a bean bag and pumped his arm in triumph. "Look at him. He's happy."

Leslie turned her head. "He's got a younger woman. Why wouldn't he be? I hope she knows how lucky she is to get a piece of that." Leslie licked her lips.

Kristi laughed. "I have a reputation for ogling men, but I try to have a blinder on with him. It's hard to be the kind of friend I am if I'm imagining what his clothes are hiding."

Leslie cackled, and the three men on the lawn turned to them.

"Twenty bucks, I'm the subject of that joke." Patrick smirked at her.

Dan slapped his back. "I'd be a fool to bet against you on that one." He glared at Kristi, who stuck out her tongue.

Patrick threw down his bean bags and walked up onto the deck. "Come on, woman. You can help me in the kitchen. Gabby's going to Evan's for the lobsters." She stood and followed him in. Once away from the others, he turned and stared at her. "Are you causing trouble?"

"Honestly, no. She was the one admiring you. I told her how I admire every other man but you."

He squinted his eyes. "Fine, but please don't make trouble. Today is about Hannah and not me."

"I know. What is she doing today?"

"She's at her mother's."

He took out his phone and looked at it.

"And you're missing her?"

He sighed. "It's more than that. Let's put the food out."

Patrick took out two saucepans and put two sticks of butter in each. She dressed and tossed the salad she brought. He asked her to slice the bread.

"Gabby's getting fries at the seafood shack and chicken fingers for the kids who don't eat lobster."

Hannah had better appreciate it, Patrick had spent a fortune on lobsters. Patrick looked at his phone again.

"Are you sure everything is okay?"

He nodded. "We had our first fight. She didn't run, she stood up to me. And I gave in. Truthfully, I was only trying to protect her."

"Did it involve Hannah?"

He nodded. "She bought her a birthday present. I didn't think she deserved it."

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