Chapter 18 (The internship)

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Y/n's p.o.v:

It was time to go to our internships, I took my bags and went on the train. I sat down next to tsuyu since she has to go to her internship on the train as well.

We chat for a while until it was time for her to go, I just sat there thinking about the crown that all might gave me.

It was from my parents, I don't even remember their faces exactly but I know that they were killed when the Villians kidnapped me.

Their faces in my memory are just a blur, but I know now that the heroes found the crown when my parents were dead.

That's why all might have it...

Before I could think about the thought, even more, I was at the destination already. I got off and went to search for carissa's agency, there were many people there with their hero costumes.

I think there on patrol to check on their citizens, just in case villains attack. I think iida, todoroki, and midoriya are here as well. They might be here in the city somewhere so I guess I can visit after my training.

After a while, I found the agency finally, I went inside just to be greeted by the staff members.

I asked them where carissa was and they told me to go to the 4th floor and I will see her name on the door.

I took my belongings and used the crystal spell, "mini verse". It opened a portal where I store stuff just in case I need it.

I sometimes use it in battle cause I store all my weapons in the mini verse, I closed the portal and went to Carrisa's office.

She was sitting at her desk enjoying the view behind her, I knocked on the door to get her attention.

She turned her chair around to look at you, to see no bags are with you right now.

Carissa: did you not pack your belongings?

Y/n: I did but I put it in the mini verse for now.

Carissa: what mini-verse?

Y/n: it's just one of my quirks. I can store stuff in my portal called the mini verse.

Carissa: very you have chosen my agency to train and become a better hero? Why is that?

Y/n: because your quirk is kinda like mine, my quirk is crystal spells and weapon summoning.

Carissa: oh, that's interesting. I mean you could learn a lot from a person who has a similar quirk to your own.
I see you made the right choice then.

Y/n: yeah, I guess. So where will I be staying?

Carissa: oh, yes about that. I've got you a room in an apartment next to my agency. So how about we start training?

Y/n: Do you have a training facility?

Carissa: I do. Now come, we must train your quirk to make you the best hero you can be.

Y/n: Okay! I'm up for that! Let's go!

Carissa: the way, all might tell me about you a lot. We've been friends since high school.

Y/n: really? That's cool. Since he's a hero he would know some people I guess.

Carissa: so, since your powers are crystal spells. Maybe you can have a new crystal form so do you want to train for that?

Y/n: so anyone with crystal quirks has a form?

Carissa: only a percentage of the crystal quirks among humans in this generation, yes. You might also want to give me your blood type and data.

Y/n: so the crystal form comes when I'm a teen?

Carissa: yes. when you are a child your crystal form starts to build up but hides itself since it shouldn't be used with a growing body. The impact could impale you?

Y/n: since I know about this now, I guess I should work hard to earn that powerful form.

Carissa: I saw in your database that you started getting new quirks.

Y/n: y-yes. I do gain new quirks sometimes quite often.

Carissa: don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. So you don't get hurt when you gain new powers.

Y/n: yeah, it's weird. Maybe I haven't figured out that I have new powers until now.

Carissa: we are here. Now shall we begin?


What do you think will happen next?
Comment your thoughts. Sorry if it's not that long, I'm very busy most of the time.

Btw this was rushed, so the grammar is really bad. This chap has 747 words.

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