chapter 11 (the obstacle race)

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You were preparing your self at the entrance withe the whole crowd, everyone rushed through the hall and raced each other. But todoroki froze the floor so everyone was stuck, you on the other hand melted the ice off your feet and ran.

Trying to run forward you then saw big giant robots that the school used in the entrance exam!!!

You saw that todoroki used his ice to freeze the giant robots so he could pass but you realized that he put the robots off balance before freezing them!

He was planning on making a wall for the other students so they couldn't get across in time and fail!

You quickly ran towards the people under the robot and rescued the students by putting them behind you. You made a giant force field to block the robot parts that were falling off.

Random student: thanks!

Y/n: no problem and be careful!

Then you saw katsuki used his explosions to make him fly in the air and try to fly ahead after todoroki. You saw that the other students broke free from the ice and are trying to get through the obstacles.

When you finally found a clear path to go through, you dashed to the next course without even breaking a sweat.

Then finally coming across the pit, you then spread your wings and flew across easily with speed and grace.

While flying You saw todoroki sliding across the ropes with his ice, you then jumped onto the other side and began to run again with todoroki behind your back.

As you looked back you saw that bakugou and the others were catching up quickly, you hoped that izuku was okay during the last obstacle.

With his powers he can't jump across, he can't control his powers to a maximum yet so he can only run or make a strategy.

You then saw the obstacle with the exploding mines so you slowed down and used your vision to see where the mines are implanted.

you knew that you didn't want to get 1st place because they would get loads of points but there are going to be consequences for it.

The reason you knew was because you used your truth quirk on aizawa without thinking.

So you slowed down and took your time, you were planning on getting 2nd, while Todoroki was also slowly avoiding the mines but then you heard katsuki yell out loud so you knew that he was behind you.

Katsuki: y/n I'm gonna destroy you-

He was trying to fight with you or maybe knock you down but you ducked which made him fight with todoroki.

Poor dude for handling that beast, but he sorta deserve it for declaring a war with broccoli boy. Which reminds you about that green head boy where is he?

You speed up your pace a bit and also avoid katsuki at the same time so you won't have any trouble with him.

Katsuki: stop dodging and fight me like a pro!

Y/n: nah go fight todoroki since he's gonna win if your too focused on me.

You heard some explosions in the background aswell which meant it wasn't Katsuki.

So some of the students touched the mines, wasn't there a sign that said there were mines in this obstable?

*giant explosion sound*

You looked and saw that izuku had a metal part of a robot and flew across the mine field easily.

You were proud of him and open your wings to fly and see izuku have his win, he was in front while katsuki and todoroki were still fighting.

You flew behind izuku to cheer him on even though you knew that getting 1st place meant losing in the 2nd half of the festival.

Izuku: e-eh! Y/n why didn't you fly across instead of walking through the feild!?

Y/n: I didn't want to waste alot of my energy ya know. Now I want you to run as fast as those short legs can lead you to!

Izuku: okay!!

Midoriya ran towards the finish line and won the the first round!! You closed your wings and went to hug him and congratulate him on getting 1st place.

Katsuki yelled at himself for not winning, todoroki was talking to himself while the other students were trying to finish the race. RIP the other students.

After we all gathered together, midnight explained to us the next challenge!!!! It was a....calvary battle!??

And the winner for the first round has 10 million points!? And that midnight felt sorry for the winner. Everyone was looking at izuku like fresh meat, midnight told us that we can form a group or team with 4 or 5 people. And that the rider can't touch the ground or their disqualified.

Ohhh boy this isn't looking good for izuku... but since I gave him that win I guess I'm gonna team with him, to help him I guess.

Midnight: now start to form your team's!!!!

Oof you were hella crowded by people asking you to be in their team, even katsuki was asking you to be in his team. Todoroki was planning his team out with our classmates in the background, but then you told everyone that you were teaming with izuku.

Random student: come and form a team with us! Your going to be a target if you team with him!

Katsuki: c'mon y/n we can team and beat that nerd!

Random student: come with us and we would be unstoppable!!

Y/n: everyone I've made my decision, no hard feelings. I'm going to help him win.

The people that surrounded you backed off and said "good luck I guess". You ran towards izuku and tapped on his shoulders since he was in his mind for a bit.

Y/n: hey izuku I'm gonna join your team!!!

Izuku: really!?? Thank you y/n I thought I was gonna be alone!!!

Y/n: yeah don't worry about it.

Izuku: you knew about the consequences on getting 1st place didn't you.

Y/n: yes, sorry izu! But I wanted to boost your confidence. There is another reason though, if you are a target everyone will reveal their quirks and full power to win.

Izuku: good point but still scared of being the target right now.

Ochaco: hey you guys I'm gonna join your team!!!!!

Y/n: more people the better, welcome to the team uraraka!

Mei hatsume: I'm gonna join aswell to show the crowd and companies who are watching to see my babies.

Midoriya: you brought babies here!?

Mei: yeah ofcourse so they can buy them and I can get hella cash!!!

Fumikage: I'll join you... I guess

Y/n: the more the merrier!!! So I guess izuku can be the rider or me ?

Ochaco: I think midoriya should be the rider!!

Y/n: okay! Then I guess me and fumikage can protect him from the front! And you two in the back must help us run or speed away from other teams!!

Midoriya: sounds like a plan!!!!!

You guys prepared for the battle that is about to come, this is going to be hard.

To be continued....

Sorry for the long wait cause I have exams and lessons to write so I was busy!!!! But I'll write more chapters as soon as I can!!! But please don't forget to vote!!!!

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