chapter 29 ( training hard at the camp! )

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After fighting those dirt creatures and making it to the camp, everyone was really exhausted from using there quirks so much. Not me though, it was quite easy to destroy those monsters, sana helped me destroy some aswell.

Sero: I thought you guys said it would take only three hours to make it to camp!!

Madalay: I think we timed it based on how long we got here, sorry.

Sato: now your bragging about how your better than us, that's mean.

Kirishima: I'm starving!! This is hell!

Pixie bob: you 6 students really packed a punch on my dirt monsters!

Izuku: miss, I have a question-

Pixie bob: choose your words wisely boy.

Izuku: who is that boy over there?

Madalay: oh him, he's my cousin's son. He lives with us now, don't be shy Kota say hi to everyone your going to be with them for the next week.

Izuku: hi there my name is midoriya from the UA hero course, nice to meet you-


Kota punched izuku in the place where the sun never shines... that's gotta hurt a lot. Iida ran to help izuku stand properly after that strong blow, I might have to heal him after this.

Iida: a low blow! You fiend of a child! A punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!!

Kota: the last thing I want is to hang out with some wannabe heroes!

Iida: wannabe!? How old are you kid!?

Bakugou: that brat gots sponk.

Shoto: he's like a mini version of you.

Bakugou: you need to shut the hell up before I blast you all the way to hell!!

Shoto: yeah sure.

Mr.aizawa: enough playing around get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your room we'll have dinner in the cafeteria after that you can bathe and then sleep. Your training starts in the morning so you better get a move on.

After we got all of stuff into our rooms we get to the cafeteria as fast as we could. We saw that madalay and pixie bob already made food for us and it was already on the table waiting for us to eat it.

Everyone started to eat like they never ate for years! Some students started chatting around about their rooms and stuff.

Pixie bob: we only cook for you all today but tomorrow you'll have to cook dinner by yourselves.

Kirishima: thank you for the meal !!

Denki: yeah! It's delicious!!!

Pixie bob: you guys eat like you haven't eaten for days, jeez slow down. You guys better enjoy while it lasts.

Sero: all the food is great!! I'll eat until I burst!!

Sato: i agree with you dude.


After eating we get to bathe in the hot springs that they had in camp, one side was for the boys and one for the girls. It was so nice and relaxing everyone enjoyed it.

On the other side of the wall:

Mineta: I wanna see those hot babes over the wall~ babes my angel~ how stupid of them not to stagger the times we've been naked next to each other I hope they never learn from there mistakes~

Denki: it's too much for him.

Iida: your to stop this behavior mineta!! What your doing is demeaning to both the girls and yourself. Its shameful behavior!

Mineta: now I know why I have this quirk its because walls are meant to be climbed! I'm coming for you ladies! Plus ultra!!! All that quirk training all those times I almost died it was to prepare for this shining moment!-

Kota: before you become a hero, you should learn to be a good human-

Mineta: I'll get you for this!!!!


Tsuyu: mineta really is the worst isn't he?

Mina: thanks so much Kota babe! We owe ya one!!!

Kota then proceeded to look on to the girls side of the hot springs. To then see all the girls naked before his child eyes, he then got a nose bleed and fell backwards to the boys side of the hot springs.

Thankfully izuku caught him in time, but I flew over there with a robe on to check if Kota is okay.

Y/n: hey izuku? Is kota okay ? We saw him fall did you catch him?

Sana: what happened? Is he okay izuku-San?

You looked to your left to see sana with a towel covering her body, thank god the steam is making the boys side a bit foggy so we can't see them naked.

Izuku: yeah I caught him don't worry! He just fainted though I need to bring him to the counselors.

Y/n: I'll come with you izuku!

Sana: I'll go aswell just to help.

We went to the building manager's office to see pixie bob and madalaya.

Y/n: miss madalaya, pixie bob! Kota got a nose bleed and fell off the wall!

Madalay: oh my! Is he okay!?

Izuku: I caught him before he landed. But he fainted from the nose bleed I think.

Madalay: eraser told me that one of the boys were a little girl crazy so i stationed Kota up there to keep watch. I guess that's the danger of teaching kids your age.

Sana: I'm glad he's alright.

Madalay: you must've moved pretty fast to catch him.

Izuku: he doesn't really like heroes does he? Because I've been surrounded by people who wanted to be heroes. And that includes me so I thought it was kinda unusual for a kid his age to not be interested in all of this.

Mandalay: how observant, ofcourse he isn't alone. there are many in our society who don't approve of us. If he had a normal childhood he would've admired heroes like you..

Pixie bob: it was Mandalay's cousin.. kota's parents that is, they were heroes too. But they were murdered.

Madalay: it was a villian two years back when Kota was still so small. They were killed while protecting citizens perhaps the most respectable way for any hero to die but.. how do you begin to explain to a child that his parents died of honorable deaths, they were his entire world, everything but to him.. his parents had left him behind and all the while they were being praised everybody kept telling him that his parents sacrifice was noble. Honestly he doesn't like us that much either we're heroes like they were I'm sure he feels like he's stuck here because he has no where else to go. Heroes just don't make sense to Kota.. after all if his parents haven't been heroes.. they would still be here.

Sana: so that's why he doesn't like us...

Y/n: you can't blame him right..

Izuku: we'll be heading back now.. thank you for your time..


There ya go another update! And yes I wrote down all the words they said in the episode. Byeeee

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