Chapter 4 (Entrance exam!!!)

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It was time for the entrance exams, and I and izuku ran to U.A. as fast as we c, could while we were doing that we met up with katsuki, and others they walked into the building.

As we were walking izuku tripped himself with his foot and was about to fall when someone came and caught him with their quirk.

Izuku was panicking but then he saw the girl and blushed, I guess he was nervous.

???: Hi there I saw that you were about to fall so I caught you with my quirk sorry for not asking...

Y/n: oh it's ok at least izuku is fine. Thanks for saving him. What's your name?

???: oh my name is Ochaco uraraka!!! And you are?

Y/n: oh my name is Y/n! Y/n l/n.

Uraraka: oh ok!! I'll catch you later!! Let's do our best and meet each other when we pass okay??

After that she left, izuku and I started walking to the room where everyone was. we sat down and listened to the pro hero present mic.

The present mic explained to us what we have to do in the entrance exam while izuku was muttering about the test and its rules.

???: Hey! You with the green hair! Stop your muttering your distracting everyone! I suggest you close your mouth or leave this place immediately!

Izuku: S-sorry!

Katsuki: haha dork.

Y/n: sorry for disrupting you all please continue present mic!

The present mic continued to tell us about the robot and the number of points we would get by destroying the bot. Showing us different kinds and the different points they had.

Present mic: okay everyone gets to our designated groups and places and we'll start the exams on speakers!

So this means that izuku, katsuki, and I aren't going to be competing against each other which is better because katsuki would destroy izuku before even starting.

I got into my group and went to the changing rooms, everyone was changing from their school uniforms to gym clothes.

What you wore wasn't that special but with just some shorts since it would be easier to move around with. As we were changing the speakers suddenly turned on with a blast of a loud voice.

Present mic: okay everyone! Quickly change and head outside to the battlefield, stand in line until we tell you to start.

I guess there isn't a lot of time to prepare myself before fighting or turning off the robots.

You went to the battlefield and started to prep yourself for the exam.

Speakers: May the test begin in 3, 2, 1 go!

You went climbing over the 3 pointer robot using your quirk to make a sword

You went climbing over the 3 pointer robot using your quirk to make a sword

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You used the sword and sliced it in half gaining 3 points after that you started destroying the 3-pointer and 2-pointers.

Seeing that there was a guy stuck under some parts of the robot, you decided to use your strength and lift the robot arm. You saw how his legs were damaged and healed him with your quirk.

???: T-thank you!

Y/n: don't worry about it! There's no more time left to go, get yourself some points!

As you started to destroy more 3-pointers you felt the ground start shaking and there it was the giant zero-pointers. Everyone started running away from it but you saw some people that got stuck in the robot parts, so you went in and used your demon quirk to burn the robot with lava and fire.

you punched it away from everyone so they don't get destroyed by the parts, although I caused a lot of damage to some of the buildings the most important thing right now is to save the other students.

after that, you started helping people get to the infirmary to get healed.

???: h-help me, please! My legs are stuck under this thing!

Y/n: don't worry because I am here to save you!

As I picked up all the robot parts on the ground and put them together so I could place them in an empty area with my quirk some of the students helped each other to the infirmary.

Y/n: is everyone okay!? If anyone got minor injuries please help the people who can't walk or are passed out!

???: quickly everyone helps those people on the ground.

Recovery girl: thank you dear for helping everyone.

Y/n: no problem! It's a hero's job to save injured people better than letting the teachers handle the injured students.

Recovery girl: you can get to the infirmary I'll be there in a minute.

When you got into the infirmary you saw izuku laying on the bed sleeping, you ran to his bed wondering what happened to him.

Recovery girl: oh him, he just hurt himself using his quirk. I healed him already but it took a lot of energy from him so he's resting for now.

Y/n: oh thank god. I hope he did well in the entrance exam, when is he-

When you were about to finish your sentence izuku woke up, you gave him a hug in relief seeing that he was ok and izuku was kinda surprised by the hug but he was glad.

Recovery girl: oh looks like your awake deary, here have some gummies. You can go home now.

Y/n: thanks, grandma...

Izuku: thank you miss.

After that we pack our stuff and head out, we went home together while chatting then I asked him " izuku how many robots did you fight?". He looked at me sadly and said " zero I guess.... I only destroyed the 0-pointer that gave 0 points, but I saved the girl that we met at the entrance ".

I guess izuku's not gonna get in.....poor izuku I'll ask dad if I can give some of my points to him.


Finally done!! I hope you like it ♡♡♡
Btw here are your stats:

Strength: 9.5/10
Speed: 9.5/10
Power: 10/10
Intelligence: 9/10.

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