Chapter 34

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Tomorrow morning:

After planning on how to check up on katsuki and sana, we decided to tell izuku since he would be the most worried about katsuki.

He was awake this morning from what I've heard from the others so i decided to see him, there i saw the whole class except for jiro and hagakure that are still resting.

After kiri told him about what we've learned we were suprised that todoroki know aswell, he wanted to go with us to help find katsuki and sana. But all that ended when iida steped in so as the others, saying that we couldn't go since we would be endangered with the villains and it could hurt us. We could be in the way of the heroes and the police.

It's true but we wanna make sure that their okay, we'll be stealthy and won't get caught well..more like I've planned the whole scenarios of what could happen if we were gonna go through with this mission ofcourse.

Iida was telling us that if we go he'll be there to stop them from doing all this, and i know why he's's because of the hosu incident.. he doesn't want us to destroy the school's reputation and he doesn't want us to get into trouble with these dangerous villains.

Y/n: I'm sorry iida but we must do this, we're not gonna go in and fight. We'll check on them, and see if the police and heroes are gonna rescue them.

Kiri: it's a stealth mission, we've made a plan and everything to get there.

Y/n: except one thing, we need the device that will receive the signal of the area that the villain's are in. Spy on them then we'll watch from afar to see if they've rescued bakugou. After that we'll come back and tell you the news early than the media.

Iida: and if you got yourself involved?

Y/n: we're gonna be bystanders in disguise  they'll rescue us as civilians and we'll be safe as long as we don't use our quirk to hurt the villains we'll be seen as random bystanders who happen to be around the area at that time.

Kiri: i promise iida we've gone through it all, there are no flaws we are sure that this will work.

Iida: ...

Shoto: and it will better if we are sure that they're okay and not hurt.

Kirishima: please think about it, iida and midoriya. We'll be in front of the hospital if your gonna come with.


Doctor: may i have a word with midoriya please.

Uraraka: let's go guys.

After everyone left, the doctor explain to izuku about his quirk limits and if he use his quirk to much, he won't be able to use his arms anymore. It was terrifying for izuku to understand but the doctor said he'll be released this evening and that he should take it easy.


When making it clear that we were gonna go look for katsuki and sana back without fighting was only the cover up of the plan, the actual plan that I've made myself was to find them and if the villains and heroes were busy fighting. Katsuki and sana would be surrounded by nomu. Which means there is a chance of rescuing them but... it would be risky with so many people with me especially if we get spotted. We must be able to escape very quickly.

I also remember that one of members in the wild wild pussy cats was missing aswell it could be that she's also captured. But they weren't on their target list which means they could be using her to make a nomu or...something worst.

Either way I already have the set up, there is no turning back now. As I was waiting downstairs with todoroki and kirishima seeing if izuku was gonna join us with this crazy plan.

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