Chapter 24 ( final exam )

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We already finished the mid-term exam and now we have to do our finals!!!!!

Before the exam started:

Midoriya: guys its only the final exam left!! I think we're gonna do good on the written exams. But how about the physical exam? We don't know what we're gonna face. It's like a hidden jump scare.

Y/n: I'm already prepared, I knew this was going to happen. You guys should be on guard, don't think that this will be easy.

Iida: you are right y/n!!! *hand chop*

Todoroki: what if we just fight robots? That would be a little bit easier.

Ochaco: yeah, what if it's just fighting those giant robots?

Y/n: just be careful, if you don't prepare yourself it's over for you.

Midoriya: guys! The bell is gonna ring let's go to class quick!

Y/n: already on my way!

We all headed to class as fast as lightning so we can prepare or just review before mr.aizawa hands us the paper.

Right now:

The test was quite hard, but with my constant thinking i remembered everything and started writing so fast it was so clear that i could just say it out loud. But it's a test so yeah, no talking and its u.a! We're not gonna break rules!

After a few minutes later I finally finished the paper, But I had to check my answers to see if I wrote the answers right.

I took a quick glance at bakugou and he looks like he is busy thinking and he looks frustrated. Oh lord I swear if he gets a lower grade than me he is gonna explode!

Probably gonna kick my ass in the process the thought just makes me terrified.

Mr.Aizawa: are you done with yours

Y/n: yes sir! I'm done!

Mr.Aizawa: hand it over, then go outside and wait for the others to finish.

Y/n: yes sir.

Mr.Aizawa: does anyone else finished there paper?

Momo: I'm done with mine sir!

Mr.Aizawa: ok good, now head out with y/n while you wait. And there's only 10 minutes left, get it moving people I'm tired of this.

Everyone: uhhhhh.....

Outside of class:

Y/n: so momo, what do you think will be on the physical exam?

Momo: I heard from class 1-B that we're going to fight robots from the sports festival.

Y/n: I hope cause those robots are easy for me. But I feel like it's going to be something else, since it's the final exam.

Momo: oh right. Probably fighting with a team maybe even a rescue exam?

Y/n: let's just for the best at this point. So did you finish all the questions?

Momo: well, I kinda got stuck on the last question of the test. So yeah. How about you?

Y/n: I answered all the questions. All of them were what we all studied from mr.aizawa.

Momo: oh, now I remember. Too bad I can't change it.

Y/n: you tried your best momo! I hope you do well in the physical exam!

Momo: you too y/n!

After waiting for everyone to finish the exam:

Mr.Aizawa: come on ever we have to go to ground beta for the physical exam and hurry it I'm sick of this already.

Everyone had lines under there eyes out of exhaustion and even mr.aizawa is feeling exhausted by this.

Mr.Aizawa: how wear your hero costumes and meet me outside of ground beta's door.

Everyone: YES SIR!

Iida: now everyone get ready the exam is about to start! *chop* *chop*

After everyone finished wearing there costumes they headed to ground beta's door to see all the pro heroes/teachers of U.A waiting for us.

Oh no, that means!?

Mr.aizawa: yes, it means that you'll be fighting your teachers for the exam. I will pair you up to fight one of the teachers. You can either escape or capture the teacher/roleplay villian.

Y/n: I kinda expected this unc- Mr.Aizawa.

Mr.aizawa: yeah. I knew aswell and also we're pairing you all up with the teacher with the quirks that still needs improvement to build your up strength. You also have to have a strategy to win it's not that easy as it looks.

Everyone: Yes sir!

Mr.Aizawa: now we'll announce the pairs and which teacher they'll be fighting. Be ready and strategize with your partner. This is gonna get ugly real quickly.


Sorry if it's a short chapter I'm kinda lazy at this point but enjoy your day!

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