Chapter 7 (continuing)

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???: I guess this wasn't a complete failure master shigaraki. Let's go now.

Shigaraki: I haven't lost yet! I'll get you back for this l/n and you'll finally see that this isn't a game to you!

The purple mist quickly warped shigaraki away from your hands and even tried to warp you aswell but you quickly made a wall of dirt in front of you to block him out.

???: we'll get you some day l/n. You'll be a useful ally to us soon. I promise you that.

Y/n: N-no! Come back here! Don't you dare escape after trying to destroy the school's reputation and causing injuries to my classmates!

All might: it's okay young y/n. We'll get them next time but for now we need to check on your classmates and the others.

You quickly saw some of your classmates running towards you wondering what had happened.

Tsuyu: y/n! Did you defeat that monster!?

Izuku: all might your here! Where did the other villains went of to?

Katsuki: where are those low lives! Imma kill them all!!

Todoroki: we must regroup and find the others. Some of them might be in trouble.

Y/n: is everyone okay?

Izuku: we're fine, just some scratches but help has arrived and found some students who are injured including mr.aizawa, many others only have minor injuries.

Y/n: I Trapped some villians in that biome over there, I'll tell the police  that soon. But for now I must check you all for injuries..

After checking your friends and classmates even healing some of them, you felt a little guilty knowing that you could've helped them more..

But after the battle everyone was rushed to the hospital just in case, some police officers were busy finding and capturing the villians who were still in the u.s.j.

Officer: some of the class is fine but aizawa is in a not so bad condition and will need some rest. Also thirteen might need some healing from recovery girl.

Y/n: is all might okay? I saw him getting injured alot by a nomu.

Officer: a nomu?

Y/n: it's a creature that was made to kill all might, sorta like a monster with multiple quirks. There are some peices left of it over there..

Officer: thank you for that information,  I'm surprised that you barely got scratched after facing those villians in there. But all might has got rushed to the hospital aswell since he got alot of bruises.

Izuku: can I go with y/n sir?

Officer: sure go on that one we'll escort you there immediately since this boy has some scars and bruises.

Y/n and izuku: thank you sir.

The police caught all the villians that were in the U.S.J , we went to the hospital and try to find the room all might was in.

We found the room and saw that someone was talking to all might, I knocked on the door to get there attention.

All might: hey! What are you guys doing here?

???: I guess I will leave you guys alone, talk to you later all might.

All might: sure see you later.

After the guy left we sat next to all might's bed, we asked him some questions aswell.

Izuku: hey y/n, how did you handle the situation so smoothly even without the rescue team not coming in time.

Y/n: well I used multiple quirks out in the open I guess.. knowing that it would be dangerous to others around me I had no choice, it took alot out of me but I'm glad to see that some of us are alright.

Izuku: we have to be more careful, but It didn't went that badly knowing that the school would get some backlash after this incident.

Y/n: this time i actually panicked and had the adrenaline rush.. I thought I was gonna go crazy and start killing people blindly...

Izuku: but what made you stop? And be calm and rational?

Y/n: i- saw you guys helping me by thinking about others and if people would get hurt I was the one to save you all. That made me restraint myself..

Izuku: you should go visit mr.aizawa a bit. He has something to say to you, take your time but I'll stay here to accompany all might.

Y/n: oh, okay I guess I should go see how he's doing.

You walked to mr.aizawa's room to see him covered up with bandages, you sat down next to the bed and you hold his hand it was cold...but he is probably sleeping at the moment.

Aizawa: what are you doing?

Y/n: gah!? Omg I thought you were asleep. You okay mr.aizawa!?

Aizawa: does it look like I'm okay?

Y/n: no, but you'll heal pretty soon, I healed you 20% already. it wouldn't take that long for you to have miraculously healed.

Aizawa: I know.. but thanks anyway, I heard from the police officers that you've dealt with the situation smoothly.

Y/n: I only gave the information I got from those villians who I'm guessing is their leader.

Aizawa: it's fine at least everyone is okay thanks to you.

Y/n: actually I fought against there leader and made them accidentally destroy there nomu.

Aizawa: oh okay then, I'll have to get some information and fill out some papers and stuff.

Y/n: I know.... wait if your hurt who will be teaching tomorrow

Aizawa: I don't know you'll see soon enough.

Nurse: ma'am you have to leave now.

Y/n: okay...see you later mr.aizawa.


Updated and edited. Realized that I was fucking cringey af, cause it's like gore and stuff but I made sure that y/n is acting a bit more mature.


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