Chapter 28 (Training camp!)

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Y/N's p.o.v:

Finally it's time to go to the camp where we'll be testing our limits to train and use our quirks better.

There will be exercises, fighting creatures, using our quirks until we are tired and out of breath! But it'll be fine for me. Since I train myself until I was passed out when I was 7, all might was so scared when he saw me on the ground.

Right now the class is in front of the school waiting for the buses, we also met class 1-B when we waited for the bus.

Monoma: we are so going to beat class 1-A at the camp, there going to be tired while we train ourselves harder hahhahahahhahahahahahhhahahhahah- oof

Kendo quickly karate chops monoma's neck making him lose his balance and passed out.

Kendo: sorry about him, he's a bit jealous of you guys lately so I'm very deeply sorry.

Sana: it's ok!

Kendo: hey are you new here? I've never seen you in class 1-A before.

Sana: oh! I'm Sana Yamiko! I got a recommendation to come to u.a! Nice to meet you!

Kendo: hello Sana-san! Im kendo itsuka! I hope your enjoying it here! Can't wait to train with you!

Sana: I can't wait either!

Kendo: looks like my classroom's bus is here! See you at camp sana!

Sana: o-oh see ya!

Kendo and class 1-B left to go to camp while class 1-A is waiting for our bus.

Y/n: looks like you made a new friend, I'm proud of ya.

Sana: kendo is so nice! But that monoma guy is so weird I wonder why though it's no big deal.

Y/n: you wanna be seat buddies?

Sana: yes please!

Y/n: did you bring all of your stuff that you'll be needing at camp?

Sana: yep! I got snacks, blankets, towels, brushes, training equipment and clothes.

Y/n: oh cool, your very organized huh?

Sana: I had to make a list before I forgot anything. I sometimes have to wake up early and double check my luggage.

Y/n: I hope you train well at camp cause mr.aizawa doesn't go easy on the students.

Sana: I'll be fine! I've been training alot aswell, so that I'm prepared for camp!

Izuku: hey guys the bus is almost here so take your luggages.

Y/n: thanks izuku, you better train alot at the camp or else mr.aizawa will put you with the people who failed the test.

Bakugou: I'm going to beat you and deku y/n!!! And you aswell new kid!

Sana: okay!!! The challenge is on!

Y/n: you really like challenges do you?

Sana: I mean he declared the challenge and i can't turn it down.

Mr.aizawa: get in the bus now. The trip is going to be 3 hours long so hurry it up will you.

Y/n: yes sir.

We quickly took our seats and got comfortable, it was going to be long trip so might aswell save our energy before the camp training starts.

I feel like aizawa is going to trick us and probably make us go through training after we get off the bus.

I guess I can listen to music while looking outside since I'm bored, sana is playing some games on her phone which looks fun.


3 hours later:

Aizawa: wake up, we are here.

After everyone got off the bus they were all confused why we are on a cliff and not at the camp.

Kirishima: sir is this the camp?

Aizawa: you all will be going to the camp in a moment but first I'll introduce the heroes who will be training and watching you all.

???: I am Mandalay!

???: and I'm pixie bob!

Madalay & pixie bob: and we are the wild wild pussy cats!

Midoriya: oh my goodness it's the wild wild pussy cats but only two of the members! There are two more in the team aswell and they have made this group since we were kids which was a long time ago-

Pixie bob: I'm 18 at heart. You boys look so cute I could eat you in a few seconds!!

Mandalay: we will be your protectors while you all are here in camp! Sorry for pixie Bob's weird behavior! She is just in heat right now!

Midoriya: o-oh it's ok.

Mina: miss why are we up here when the camp is over there.

Mandalay: well you will be traveling there on foot, and that is going to be the camp site!

Pixie bob: also! All of this land is going to be used for the training! It's our property so it will okay for you to use your quirks however you like!!

Mandalay : you have to get to the camp before noon or there will be no lunch! So go go go!!

Kirishima: w-wait that means-

Sero: oh no everyone back into the bus before-

Mina: noo!!!! Not again!!!

Then suddenly the ground beneath us broke and all of the students fell into the forest. Well except for me and sana which used our quirk to fly above the destruction .

Denki: h-hey!! No fair sana and y/n are flying!!

Mr.aizawa: both of you go down their with them.

Sana&y/n: yes sir..

Mr.aizawa: this is the forest of beast so be careful and there will be many things in it to attack you so be on guard!
Now go to the camp while we'll drive there.

Iida: I can't believe he tricked us again!

Momo: well we can't do anything about it so we'll just go through the forest and get to the camp as fast as we can so we don't starve to death.

Jiro: good point, we better hurry- wait! Do you guys hear that

Midoriya: yeah and it's coming closer to us! It must be a monster from the forest!

After he said that we saw a huge monster roaring at us, which scared many of the students  except for mineta which he headed to the monster.

Mineta: a tree! To relieve myself!!!!

Midoriya: mineta that's dangerous!!!!

Koda: wait my friend we don't mean any harm!!!

The creature wasn't actual an animal it's made out of dirt! That's why it isn't responding to koda's quirk!

Y/n: everyone it's someone's quirk that is making these creatures! Watch out!

Midoriya noticed it aswell so he quickly used one for all Detroit smash on the creature while it collapsed into peices of dirt.

Jiro: I think there isn't only one of them! I can hear more infront of us and some from the left !

Katsuki: we'll destroy all of them and head to the camp! Let's go!

Time skip after traveling through the forest:

Everyone was all exhausted and it was already past noon, even the ones with the best quirks are exhausted except for me and sana ofcourse.

Well we didn't do that much since we just used our quirks from far away though sana's quirk is quite interesting.


Too lazy to continue so enjoy this chap guys!

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