chapter 5 ( first day of school )

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After the entrance exam, I finally got my letter from U.A. I opened it with excitement and saw my dad saying I got 398 combat points and 307 rescue points.

The total was 705 points, I also got the highest in the entrance exam and after that, I went to izuku's house to see what he got.

As I knocked on the door, the person who opened it was inko but her facial expression was showing that she was worried sick.

Y/n: inko what happened?

Inko: oh izuku got his results and he's opening the letter right now in his room...

Y/n: don't worry about it inko I know he got in.

Inko: really!? How!?

Y/n: well in the entrance exam he saved a girl and it might give some rescue points to get into U.A.

Inko: that's good to hear, how about you y/n how much did you get?

Y/n: oh I got 705 points with 398 combat points and 307 rescue points. I also got the highest score on the entrance exam.

Inko: I knew you would y/n, oh I'm so proud of you!

We heard the door open and saw that izuku came out with the biggest smile ever he was also crying his eyes out, inko went and hug him.

Inko: so how much did you get? Did you get in?

Izuku: I got in mom, y/n. I finally did it my dreams are gonna come true!!!

Y/n: I'm guessing you got rescue points huh?

Izuku: yeah how did you know?

Y/n: well I got 307 rescue points So when you said you saved a girl at the entrance exam maybe you got some rescue points from it. And I was right.

Izuku: oh that's nice you got so many points!

Y/n: I also got the highest score on the entrance exam as well.

Izuku: huh!? That's so cool!!!

Y/n: yeah but it wasn't hard for me I used only 20% of my quirk.

Izuku: what!? It was so hard for me!! You're just rubbing it in my face now!

Y/n: I guess you still need a lot more training to get better with that quirk of yours.

Izuku: I'm so happy we got into U.A. and we start school tomorrow I'm so pumped and also nervous...

Y/n: yeah I'm pumped as well but don't get nervous izuku. Because I am here!!!!

Izuku: you used all might's lines! Let's be the best heroes we can be y/n! Cause our dreams are coming true!

That was the start of our adventure to be heroes, it was finally coming to a reality.

Time skip   ( tomorrow )

I woke up and got ready for school I prepared my bag, hair, and everything.

As I was running downstairs I saw that there was a note on the countertop.

Hey kiddo, you know I gotta get started on teaching at school so I went ahead, hope your not mad at me but there are some leftovers in the fridge if you want some.
- love All mighty dad

Why does dad have to be this cheesy, let's see if he left some good food this time.

You went to open the fridge and saw that he left some cheesy macaroni and some sushi. Dad likes to give me both my favorite foods.

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