Chapter 22 ( ??? )

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Y/n's p.o.v

Well after all that talking with stain, i felt better getting that out of my chest then just bottling it up inside.

He's having the interview right now and I'm currently watching it kinda curious of what he'll say and what the new reporters would ask.

Carissa was busy with her paper work and other hero stuff, since I caused loads of trouble for her. But still it wasn't that bad since I didn't actually use my quirk to hurt him in any way.

I just got praised for saving a hero with his injuries and crystallizing the hero killer, so no one got hurt. Which they said was a smart move a hero would make. But I just told them I'm a hero in training not a hero yet, I still need to pass my license exams.

The interview:

Reporter: mr.stain sir, why did you try to kill heroes?

Stain: I only kill them because they are not worthy of the word hero!!! They don't want to just save people! They seek only glory and fame!

Reporter: that is interesting, and also some of your words are true. But I want to know if you have anyone that is worthy of the name hero?

Stain: well, i do have some people who is worthy. H/n, all might, and that hero from U.A called izuku midoriya. They deserve the hero title!

Reporter: well there are many theories that you have a back story about your life and how you try to convince people about the hero society but no one cared.

Stain: ... no comment on that.

Reporter: you have injured so many great heroes and some of then you even killed. Your a villian who deserves to be captured now that you are, our city will be safe for now.

Stain: ...

Reporter: citizens of hosu, the night that the horrible nomus attacked our beloved city we saw mysterious looking people that looks like the villains who infiltrated to the U.S.J! We think that stain is working for the league! They must've planned something big.

Stain: .....

Reporter: we have a theory that they might plan something horrible to destroy our society. They might even form a group of villains powerful enough to defeat our heroes!

Reporter 2: stay safe everyone, and beware your surroundings.

???: Cut. That's good let's get out of here people. We're done here.

And with that the news ended, I have a feeling that stain might've felt uncomfortable with the spotlight on him. The media has gone crazy and started posting videos of stain and his origin.

This is pretty messed up because of the league, I'm guessing shigaraki is pissed since he doesn't get to be on the front page of the news.

I have a feeling he's gonna make a powerful league to destroy the symbol of peace. This is bad like really bad, I hope everything is gonna turn out okay in the mean time we have some patrols to do.

Y/n: Carissa!! It's time for patrol around the city of hosu!

Carissa: I'll be there in a minute y/n! Just wait outside!

Y/n: okay!

I walked outside to breathe in the fresh air, I wonder how stain is doing right now. He must be bored in his cell, I'll give him a little talk while I wait for carissa.


Y/n: hiiii stain :>

Stain: oh hey. What are you doing in my head?

Y/n: I thought you might get bored so I decided to talk with you! Also I'm going on patrol today! I'm hoping to see some bad guys today.

Stain: oh it's for the U.A internship thing right?

Y/n: yeah we have to be at our internship for a week to learn about the hard work we have to do as a future hero.

Stain: I mean it's great to teach kids the hardwork of being a hero I guess. Also thanks for checking up on me even though i tried to kill you.

Y/n: no problem. I just hope you can change your ways and maybe be a hero! So~ what do you think?

Stain: I want to change but it's a little to late for that.

Y/n: how about a person who doesn't agree with villainy or heroes? You can defeat villians who are doing something horrible and also go against the rules of heroism!

Stain: I'll think about it... so hope your doing good in patrol. Thanks for talking to me, I haven't interacted with anyone before so this is quite new for me. Sorry if I'm a bit awkward sometimes.

Y/n: no problem! See you soon but for now I'm gonna go on patrol! Bye!!!

Stain: bye.


Carissa: sorry for the long wait. I had to speak to some heroes. Now let's go patrol these streets just in case of traces of thieves, drug dealers or maybe even some villians!

Y/n: let's go!! I'm pumped to see you in action!

Carissa: let's start over there and we'll work our way to that part of town.

Y/n: yes ma'am!

We went patrol in alleyways, suspicious buildings, quiet parts of neighborhoods. We haven't come across bad guys yet, or maybe there not going to strike right now. They're planning something in the shadows and when we atleast expect it, they'll use everything they got to destroy the society.

The patrol was alright but the most fun part was that i get to see heroes on patrol aswell. I wonder how the boys are doing in the hospital right now, midoriya would love to see the pro heroes on patrol too! But he's still recovering from his injuries.

Author p.o.v:

You and carissa have met so many heroes while going on patrol and it was nice to get introduced to them. They were nice enough to give you an autograph for you to keep.

You even met some other students on there internship studies aswell, you even saw some students of class 1-B!

After patrol you have to learn and also help carissa with some of her work and papers. She taught you many things to do when your in an office while you don't have to go fight villains.

It was really hard work but you managed to do it perfectly, until we got a call that someone robbed a house holding some hostages inside aswell.

The police were there but the villian was threatening them that they'll kill the hostages.

They need backup so you flew yourself and carissa to the crime-scene! This was exciting for you since you get to see what we'd do in a situation like this. You wanted to take notes and learn from all of this.


As I said on the top of the chapter I'll be a bit busy reading my own book to correct stuff so yeah enjoy!

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