chapter 8 ( back to school )

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Today we are going back to school after the incident at the U.S.J , even though some people were hurt in the process.

The staff and principal nezu open back up the school and made the security levels even higher to protect the students.

Some of the students are still terrified after that, but you were still abit worried if the school really should open back up.

Guess the school wants to make sure to the media that everything is okay now. Some students are still recovering from the fight and still have bandages on.

When you arrived at school and opened the classroom doors, you saw that mostly half the class hasn't arrived yet. What a bummer but atleast iida, kirishima and mina are here.

Y/n: good morning you guys.

Mina: oh hey y/n, it's nice seeing you after that whole fiasco.

Iida: I'm glad to see that your okay y/n, even though the staff didn't come in time.

Y/n: I'm happy to see that most of you are fine and not seriously injured.

Kirishima: well it wasn't that hard but they sure do put up a good fight at the u.s.j!

After chatting, some of students finally came to school, everyone was chatting around lighting up the mood abit.

You noticed that the only person who was not phased at all was todoroki, endeavor's son . He was all alone in his desk without anyone talking to him, he is popular for being an attractive guy yet he doesn't have anyone to talk to. So you decided to walk up to todoroki's desk and have a little chat.

Y/n: hi there todoroki, nice seeing you.

Todoroki: um, hi.

Y/n: I'm just checking to see if you were okay. You seem pretty quiet so I got a little worried that you might be upset.

Todoroki: no I'm fine. You can head back to your friends now.

Y/n: well do you wanna be friends?

Todoroki: I'm not here to be friends you know.

Y/n: yeah but if you wanna hangout and be friends I'll be right here to wait for your answer!

Todoroki: okay i guess.

You quickly bid him goodbye and walked to your group of friends wondering why you left.

Todoroki's pov:

Why did she come and ask me such a question? We're here to become heroes but she considered asking me to be her friend?

I don't know if I wanna have friends. Knowing that she might use me for something to her advantage..

Author's pov:

Iida: everyone sit down!!!! The bell has already rang!!!!

Tsuyu: yeah but who will be teaching us? Mr.aizawa is still recovering in the hospital.

Uraraka: maybe there will be a substitute?

Y/n: I think he'll be fine, he was okay in the hospital after recovery girl healed him.

After what you said mr.aizawa open the door, everyone in the class was surprised that he made it to school even though he was recovering from what had happened.

Y/n: mr.aizawa! Your not supposed to be out of the hospital, your body is still recovering!

Aizawa: yeah but I'm still your teacher and here to teach you guys.

Y/n: b-but...

Aizawa: no buts now quiet down class!!! The battle hasn't end yet.

Mineta: you mean there's more villians!!????

Aizawa: no I mean the sports festival are coming up soon.

Jiro: but shouldn't we not do the sports festival after what happened?

Ojiro: yeah..I mean don't you think the villians will come attack again.

Aizawa: we have upgraded the security with some heroes and there will be heroes at the sports festival aswell, they must be stupid if they attack a whole crowd full of pro heroes.

Y/n: okay..

Aizawa: also it's the sports festival no one wants to miss it for the first years. Now you can chitchat but be quiet.

Everyone: okay mr.aizawa sensei.

We huddled in to our own group and started talking about the sports festival, everyone is excited but some are nervous.

Sero: we're going to the sports festival in front of the pro heroes!!? That's gonna be kinda scary.

Kirishima: yeah we don't know how they will react to our quirks.

Y/n: awe guys don't be scared!! Just do your best at the sports festival and even if you failed, atleast you tried right!?

Kirishima: that was so manly....

Sero: thanks for that y/n!!!

Y/n: heh no problem sero and kirishima!!

Izuku: oh my gosh ochaco are you okay!?

Ochaco: what are you talking deku, I'm perfectly fine!

Mina: well you don't look fine.

Ochaco: oh I'm just gonna do my best at the sports festival!!! Yeah!!!!!

Everyone: yeah.....

Ochaco: I said I'm gonna do my best!!!!!

Y/n: yeah....?👁👄👁✊

To be continued...............


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