Girl Meets Creativity

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In Art class, the friend group was all painting separate projects. Winter went with a stormy sky, Brendon was painting a weird looking alien, and Casey was doing a beautiful flower field with tress in the background. While Casey seemed to be enjoying the art, the two dancers were rather bored. It wasn't until Brendon flicked some paint onto Winter's arm, had a war broke out. The two were in a competition of who could paint eachother the most until the teacher scolded them. They went back to whispering to eachother, swapping insults about eachother's painting.

"Good. Because it's Maya's last painting." Mrs Kossal announced to the class, gaining everyone's attention.

"W-wait, why is it my last painting?" Maya stuttered out nervously.

"Well, it's your last one for me, you beautiful girl."

"What's going on?" Casey furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Our school is running out of money. They're cutting art and music classes. Effective immediately after the next school board meeting." Mrs Kossal informed them.

"What? How will Maya learn? What comed after light and shadow?" Riley asked, jumping into the conversation.

"What about you, Riley?"

"Who cares about me? I stink. What about Maya?"

"And what about drama?" Farkle piped up. "My one-year suspension from not being able to audition for any of the plays ends Tuesday, I'm gonna be Pippin!"

"They're not putting on Pippin." Winter turned to the male genius, confused.

"I'm gonna be Pippin in whatever they're doing!"

"Oh come on, Miss, that can't be true. They can't cut all those classes-"

"Sorry Casey." The teacher patted Casey's back.

"Nobody better cut my ballet." Zay spoke up, Lucas, Riley, and Maya turned to him with shock. "Yeah that's right... ballet. Thats why I'm so sinewy. Ask Winter and Brendon."

"Sinewy?" Lucas questioned glancing between the three dancers.

"Hey, you spend your time hitting baseballs. We spend out time lifting beautiful girls." Brendon smirked, giving Lucas a pointed look.

"Ballet... gone. Art, music... Drama, dance, all of it... gone." The teacher announced before moving on.

" The teacher announced before moving on

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"The Dark Ages..." Cory stood infront of the class, beginning his lesson. "The Dark Ages was a time of cultural deterioration."

"What does that have to do with us?" Winter crossed her arms over her chest with a hard look.

"The Dark Ages was the decline of creative spirit of an entire continent."

"What about me?" Maya interrupted abruptly.

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