Girl Meets Pluto

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" There are no secrets that time does not reveal "
~Jean Racine


Once again the group sat in the middle school classroom. On the board a quote was written, and Cory was in the front of the class. "Somebody read that."

"'History will be kind to me for I intend to write it' Winston Churchill." Lucas read outloud.

"And he did. Who's gonna write their own history here? What is history? I keep forgetting."

"History is time passing." Casey answered with a smile.

"Oh yeah? How much time? Someone once said, '100 years from now, all new people.'"

Maya raised her hand, "100 years!"


"You set me up."

"When should you guys begin to make your own history?"

"Right now." Winter answered with a smile.

"Good. So, today we're talking about Winston Churchill. When the new people come, how do you want them talking about you?"

"Nicely?" Riley questioned with a half smile.

"How long do we have before history makes its decision about us?" Brendon asked curiously.

"What if they're writing it down now?" Farkle asked.

"Doesn't matter. Chapter one: Introduction. Please read."

Riley smiled before reading, "There is a comfort in knowing that history is fixed. You can no sooner change history than you can change the nine planets in our solar system from Mercury to Pluto."

"Oh." The whole classes said in unison.

"What?" Riley questioned completely oblivious to the information.

"Nice job, Mr. Matthews." Winter told the teacher while smirking and crossing her arms.

"What'd he do?"

"He just showed us history books can be wrong. You can change history." Lucas answered the confused brunette.

"I don't get it."

"How can she not know?" Brendon asked pointing at the girl and furrowing his eyebrows.

"Look at the bird!" Maya shouted, Riley immediately began to look for a bird. "She doesn't know because she has us."

"The Riley Committee." Farkle told the rest of the group.

"The committee exists to keep certain information away from Riley." Winter joined in.

"Like what?" Casey asked tilting her head.

"Everything, really." Farkle answered with a simple shrug.

"Listen, this committee can't protect her for the rest of her life. She's getting too smart." Cory budded into the conversation.

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