Girl Meets Casey and Winter's date

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" Oh you filthy mudblood! "

It was summer, and Winter was mostly unaffected by it. Instead of spending her time at the apartment, she would sometimes sleepover at Casey's house or hangout with the boys. Today was the third time Casey and Winter would have a sleep over.

Casey's mother didn't mind having Winter over, hell she loved the idea. The girl was like a second daughter, well third daughter and fourth child.

Winter layed, starfish styled on Casey's rug while Casey sat on her bed.

"Do you think I will ever find love?" Casey asked, looking up from her romance novel.

"Well with that attitude I'd shoot myself instead of being your lover." Winter said, getting a pillow thrown at her. "I was kidding, you know I'd date you in a minute."

"Ha, ha, ha you are so funny." Casey huffed her cheeks turning to pink.

"I know your blushing."

"Oh shut your trap."

Winter laughed getting up from the floor jumping onto's Casey bed next to her. "So what book are you reading now?"

"P.s I like you."

"Yeah I know that, now tell me the name of the book." Winter joked getting a smack on the head with the book. "Ouch! This is child abuse!"

"Ehh, that only counts if you are a child." Casey joked sticking her tongue out.

"Aren't you just a peach." Winter said pinching Casey's cheeks.

"Aren't you just a blizzard." Casey shot back copying Winter's actions.

"Are you calling me fat?" Winter said her eyes widdening.

"Hey you said it not me."

"Oh you filthy mudblood!" Winter said jumping onto Casey, pinning her down. "You are so dead."

Winter then began to tickle Casey until Casey shouted for her mom.

"Mom!" Casey said inbetween laughs. "Help!"

"Girls behave." Her mother shouted not caring. Winter got off of Casey with a laugh, pinching her arm.

"Tattle tale." Winter joked before her phone began to rung. The caller id showed it was Lucas, wanting to facetime, causing her to smile abit. Ofcourse it made her smile, because no matter what she couldn't shake off her feelings.

"Hey prince charming." Winter said with a smile sitting next to Casey.

"Prince charming?" Lucas questioned but his smile not fading.

"Oh yeah, you know since you are so charming. Being a gentleman." Winter teased causing his cheeks to turn pink.

"Yeah well, if I am prince charming then you are princess." Lucas shot back flustered. Winter began to laugh, when Lucas came to a realization. If he was prince and she was princess, then they would technically be together. "Wait- thats not what-"

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