Girl meets sneak attack

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Episode 3

Episode 3

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"I was so worried about this new school year. New school, new people, I didn't think I was going to survive. Not only am I surviving, I'm thriving. I'm like a plant going like this." Riley says doing an awkward pose making her cringe. "What was I so worried about?"

Maya and Winter look into the classroom and sees Missy flirting with Lucas, Maya then covers Riley's eyes.

"What are you doing? Oh, this is too easy. It's Maya. I know because I saw you put your hand over my face. I'll do you now." Riley says as she goes to cover Maya's eyes.

"Oh, that's not the game." Winter says.

"What's the game?" Riley says confused and curious.

"The game is protect the plant from the bulldozer in the pink sweater." Maya says making Winter laugh high fiving her.

"Oh, Maya, bulldozers don't wear pink..." Riley says as she looks into the classroom and sees Missy flirting with Lucas. "Huh." Riley walks away from the door with a sad look.

"You okay?" Winter says with soft tone.

"Yeah." Riley slides down until she's sitting.

"Oh, look what the bulldozer did to you." Maya says sliding down next Riley.

"There are other girls, in this world." Riley said in a sad tone.

"There are." Winter says softly.

"And other girls, like Missy Bradford, are going to talk to Lucas." Riley says sadly.

"They are." Maya says.

"I don't like that."

"We know." Winter and Maya says in unison, looking up at eachother.

"I wish the world was just us." Riley says upsetly.

"Then it is." Maya says as they get up and leave entering their classroom.

"Sneak attack. December 7th, 1941." Corey says.

"A date which will live in infamy." Winter says as she beats Farkle.

"A date? They're going on a date? In Italy?" Riley says clearly in shock.

"No, honey. You're in History." Winter says half amused and half concerned.

"I'm history?" Riley says even more sadly.

"Okay, put your hand up." Maya says lifting Riley's arm.

"Yes, Riley? You have a pertinent observation on the subject of the sneak attack?" Cory says clearly knowing his daughter is upset.

'"May I be excused?"' Maya says in a Riley voice making Winter chuckle lightly.

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