Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels

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"You stood up for Lucas and not me!" Winter jumped as she heard Maya fight with Riley.

Casey shared a surprised look with Winter. "I'm not standing up for him." Riley replied as they walked by the other two girls. Winter and Casey avoided eye contact with the other duo as they looked around everywhere but them.

"You didn't disagree with me." Maya shot back.

"Well, when you really think about it, he wasn't wrong."

"Who cares?"

"Oh right and wrong doesn't matter now?"

"The only thing that matter is you and me. When have I ever not stood up for you?"

"When I'm wrong!"

"You're alwags wrong!" Maya said, Casey nudged Winter gesturing to the two girls. "Or you're always right. Who cares? I don't listen, I just stick up for you automatically."

'Do something' Casey mouthed to her bestfriend. Winter straightened her posture as she walked up to her friends.

"Hey girls, we should all take a breather." Winter suggested placing herself in between the girls.

"Ooh, chick fight! Chick fight right here, ladies and gentlemen. One dollar to see the shocker by the lockers. Brought to to by Zay Babineaux enterprises." Zay advertised, Winter looked over at the boy with raised eyebrows.

"Hey I'll help if you give me 50% of the cut." Brendon told him, while Casey came up behind them and flick them behind their ears.

"Ouch! That hurt. You're not doing anything?" Zay asked turning to Lucas and Farkle.

"No, she's too pretty." Farkle responded to which Casey blushed.

"Thank you."

"I'm not going to be the cause if this." Lucas told them as he stood up, Winter grabbed at the back of his shirt holding him in place.

"You had to say something didn't you, cowboy?" Winter questioned narrowing her eyes down at him.

"Too late, huckleberry." Maya said looking angrily at him.

"Huckleberry." Zay laughed as he heard the nickname.

"You know why it happened, Maya? All you do is call me names. I finally struck back one." Lucas responded to which Winter let him go to rub her forehead tiredly.

"This has nothing to do with you, who I will deal with later." Maya retorted making Winter groan.

"Im too old for this crap." The older blonde mumbled to herself.

"Yee." The four boys said as they took a step back when hearing Maya's threatening tone.

"This happened because she stuck up for you." Maya told the blonde boy.

"I didn't stick up for him." Riley disagreed, while Winter thought of ways to quickly squash everything.

"How could she disagree with him, he's right." Farkle responded to which Maya angrily glared at him.

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