Girl Meets Flaws

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{A/N Late update cause I've been busy, sorry •~•

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{A/N Late update cause I've been busy, sorry •~•. Btw do I have any anime fans?}


"Graduation and awards night is coming up. I am very proud of this class. Several of you will be recognized for your achievements throughout the year." Cory says, Winter mindlessly doodling on a piece of paper.

Maya suddenly stands up saying, "Awards are a scam! A girl like me never had a chance, Matthews. Never had a chance." Maya stares at Riley and Winter to join in.

"All right, I'll do it, but it's ridiculous," Riley sighs as she stands up. "It's a scam, Matthews! "

"She never had a chance!" Winter shouts pointing at Cory.

"Maya will be receiving the Griff Hawkins Totally Cool Award." Cory announces. Maya sits down, while the class claps for her.

"Maya, you just found out you won the Totally Cool Award, yet you just sit there? Oh, you're being cool. Why won't you rub off on me?" Riley says making Winter chuckle.

"Winter recieving the the Griff Hawkins the Helpful student award." Cory says everyone clapping her, her cheeks reddening.

Cory walks toward Lucas opening his mouth saying, "And our two finalists for the Scholar Athlete Award are... Lucas Friar... and Billy Ross."

The whole class claps for the two, especially Winter who was happy for one of her bestfriends.

"I hope you're ready for some competition, dude." Billy says.

"Oh, well, you know how I hate competition." Lucas answers back. Billy and Lucas laugh both lean in closer, back up, laughs, lean in, back up, laugh.

"Hey, Golden Boys, you wanna hop down from your cloud of awesomeness?" Maya asks the boys with a smile.

"You're making us normals feel bad." Winter chuckles crossing her arms.

"Yeah. Right after our handshake of awesomeness." Billy says making Winter shake her head. Billy and Lucas stand up and do their handshake.

"Every day." Winter says putting her hand under her chin.

"Girls should have their own handshake of awesomeness." Riley declares.

"What would it be?" Maya asks.

Maya and Riley, both flip their hair, "Stop it."

"Farkle, you are being awarded the Joseph T.R. Epstein Confidence Award.
Congratulations. Farkle?" Cory says looking around the class.

Recording of Farkle's voice on a machine answers, "Farkle can't come to his desk right now. If you have a question for Farkle, say, 'One;' a comment, say, 'Two;' billing questions, 'Three.'"

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