Girl Meets New Year

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The group was in English class, where Brendon was face first asleep in his book, Casey had three different literature books on her desk, and Winter was making highlights in her book. Their teacher Harper was writing on her chalkboard, "Jane Austen: Does Love Make Sense?"

"No, no, no, no, no." Maya repeated in a panicked tone.

"Well, if it isn't the pot being stirred again." Winter muttered under her breath.

"Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility focused on the multiple lives of two young women." Harper told them, before she dropped her book on Brendon's desk, jolting him awake.

"68!" He yelped.

"It's English class." Winter corrected.

"Metaphor?" Brendon guessed.

"She hasn't asked a question yet." Casey sighed.


"Miss Austen felt there were two approaches to love. "Sense," meaning what?" Harper stared at Brendon expectedly.

"Hm, common sense?"

"I'm afraid that's the wrong answer. Farkle?" Harper looked to the genius.

"Good, intelligent judgment." Farkle answered with a proud smile.

"And "sensibility"?"

"When feelings get in the way of that." Lucas responded.

"So, what you think should feel versus what you feel." Winter summarized.

"Yo-you know what's a good book? Hop-on-Pop." Maya attempted to change the subject.

"Come on, Maya. What's not to love about figuring out love?" Brendon teased, making her glare at him.

She then turned to Riley wearily. "Help me."

"Mmm, no. I'm out of this. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy what really happens for once." Riley replied. Winter looked at her, raising an eyebrow as she hummed in disbelief.

"Charlie Gardner." Harper called on.

"Unbelievable." Riley grumbled.

"There it is." Winter smirked as she leaned back in her chair.

"I saw this movie." Charlie admitted.

"Why?" The class questioned in unison.

"Cause I'm sensitive."

"Why?" The class again asked in unison.

"Cause I got a mother and a bunch of sisters who took over the TV and sat on me like a beanbag chair." The Gardner boy pouted.

"Did you learn anything from the movie, Mr Gardner?" The teacher inquired.

"No... but I might've noticed that in order for a relationship to work, you need sense and sensibility."

"Why?" Lucas blurted out, before glancing around at the class. "Oh come on, where was everybody?"

"Oh you noticed that, did ya? Miss Austen teaches us that romance comes with conflict. Two young women with different ideas about what love is. One hid her true feelings to protect others. She thought this made 'sense.' The other had more feelings than she knew what to do with, she was overwhelmed by 'sensibility'."

"What about the character who knows all the secrets of the character who's hiding her true feelings?" Farkle stood up.

"He's driven to madness and dies alone and scared."

Farkle stares at Riley, "thank you."

"Hm. Good." She sneered back.


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