Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels Goes to Washington

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Winter declined Josh's call for the tenth time that week, she had been scared to speak with him. Scared what she might say, she loved Maya. The little blonde girl was like a sister, and seeing the risk Maya took made Winter feel guilty. Winter took her seat in the John Quincy Adams History class with a sigh. "Current events." Cory looked at the class. "Somebody tell me what's going on in the world."

"Stuff happened in some country, some team won a game, and it's cold somewhere with a chance of I don't care." Maya answered with a bored expression. "Am I all caught up?"

"Yeah, your education's complete." Cory responded before looking around. "Anybody who's going to turn out well got something to say? Lucas."

"All the news is about the elections." Lucas responded.

"So are all the commercials, I was trying to watch Criminal Minds and the stupid ads kept interrupting the good parts." Winter said as she crossed her arms irritated.

"Why should we care about the elections when we don't get to vote?" Riley questioned as she focused her gaze on her father.

"Who else feels that way?" Cory asked the class, the whole class except Casey raised their hand. "Well, that's a shame, guys. Because this world's gonna belong to you soon."

"The one you messed up?" Brendon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah thanks anyway." Winter added sarcastically.

"Oh, so you got problems with this planet you're inheriting?" Cory looked at the students curiously.

"Lets see racism is still a thing, sexism is still a thing, people hating on a whole group of other people just because of bad seeds? Yeah this world sucks." Winter grumbled as she rolled her eyes.

"When I read the news, it makes me feel like this isn't even a world I'd want to rule." Farkle admitted with a frown.

Casey turned to look at Farkle with partial shock. "Wow, beloved. I've never heard you say anything like that before."

"I'm a visionary, darling. I look ahead." Farkle told her with a grin. "You. Me. Mars. Let's do this thing."

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You guys are supposed to be optimistic. Future leaders. You don't get cynical until highschool." Cory stated firmly.

"Why don't you elect people who care enough to make things better?" Lucas asked the older man.

"I like to think I do every time I vote." Cory replied thoughtfully. "But the truth is, I'm not responsible for the quality of people running for office."

"How are these people even chosen?" Riley questioned curiously.

"Well, the parties choose the best candidates they can come up with." Cory informed her. 

Suddenly, Eric Matthews barged into the room out of breath. "I'm running for senator for the great state of New York. And I need your votes."

"What? Who? How? And why?" Winter's eyes grew wide as she blinked rapidly in shock.

"And that's the best they could come up with?" Brendon looked at Eric in wonder and disbelief.

"Kids can't vote." Casey informed the man.

"Then uh-oh!"

"Everybody close your books, it's the end of the world." Cory said, crossing his arms.

"Finally." Winter sighed in relief, swiping her book off her table. "End me now."

"I'm really dizzy. I've done this in every classroom." Eric commented before fainting with a thud.

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