Girl Meets Dyscalculia

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^How she sees numbers^
Story line


It was towards the end of the day, and the friends were in math. Winter's least favorite class, and more importantly her weakness. The teacher started passing back tests they took the other day finally graded. She bounced her knee up and down while she rubbed her knuckles. She knew she wouldn't get a A but she atleast hoped for a C.

The teacher didn't say anything when giving her the test but her eyes were clearly disappointed. She looked at it, a giant F was on it. She stared at it longer but it was just making her more upset. There was a note next to it, 'get signed by adult,' ofcourse it had to be signed.

The bell rang and everyone got their stuff together leaving.

"Ms. Parks stay for a minute." She said, immediately her friends looked back towards her but her gaze was on the floor. Winter took her seat again ignoring the concern looks her friends were giving her. After everyone left the teacher walked over to her.

"Ms. Parks I have noticed your homework looks all over the place and your grades are getting worse. I was wondering if everything is okay? Do you need extra help becau-".

"I don't need help! I am fine. Everything is okay, I am perfectly normal." She snapped ripping her paper in half. She looked at the paper before crumpling it up. She was fustrated with herself, why couldn't she think normally?

"Can I go now?" She said staring at her shoes.

"If that is what you want." The teacher said moving out of her way. Winter pushes past her walking out of the class where Maya and Riley were wait.

"Hey is everything okay?" Riley asks concerned.

"Just fine." She grumbled avoiding any eye contact. She didn't want to admit to her friends that she was stupid, nor did she want them to pity her. Pity was for the weak, she wasn't weak.

"Are you sure cause you look like you want to strangle someone." Maya says confused.

"I'm fine!" She snapped, looking Maya in the eyes. She immediately regretted it before shoving past her out of the building. She took the subway home storming into the her apartment. She ran into her room slamming it shut. She looked around the plain room. It was orange with some scratches on it. She angrily threw her backpack at her bed.

Fustrated tears rolled down her cheeks, "stupid Winter!" She told herself hitting her head.

"So stupid!" She angrily said slamming her head against the wall.

"What are you doing in there!" A muffled voice shouted through the door.

"Nothing, it was the people nextdoor!" She shouted back lying.

"Better be!" It shouted back. She slid down the door, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Stupid Winter." She says as she hugs her knees crying into them. "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

Only if they were here, she thought to herself, they would know what to do. She missed Philadelphia, she wanted to go back, that was her home. That was where she belonged. Not here, not anywhere, but Philadelphia where she felt loved.


She walked into history early not wanting to talk with anyone. Her mood was definitely at low. Her friends and Cory walk in with a concern look, Riley had told Cory the night before about her odd behavior.

"Hey Winter how you doin?" Farkle says flirtatiously but she ignored him.

Instead she stared blankly at her shoes busy in her own head. She had forgotten to take her pills the night before because of her crying and anger. She was worried about the effects it might have. She hated her pills but people hated her when she wasn't on them. Atleast she could fake happy as long as people were happy around her.

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