Shawn Meets a New Years Kiss

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The Turner's knew how to throw a family party. Soon after the kids had left, a very awkward looking Jack Hunter arrived. Shawn was the first to approach. "Hey."


"This is so depressing." Veronica joked as she approached. "You guys are brothers, atleast give a handshake." She held out her hand towards the older brother. "Hi, I'm Veronica Huckabee. I'm Shawn's friend."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jack Hunter, uh Shawn's older half brother."

"There's no such thing as a half brother. There's only a brother." Maria corrected as she scooped into the conversation. "It's so nice to finally meet you."

"Yes, nice to see you too. Though I never pictured you look like this with those threatening text messages." Jack eyed her nervously.

"I apologize, but I thought you wouldn't show unless there was some urgency."

"You're probably right about that." Jack confessed.

It took some time before the mood shifted back to its joyful mood. Jack watched Shawn crack jokes amongst everyone, and was quickly reminded how much better Shawn was at being social. He was ready to sneak out when a red head with long hair stopped him. "It's weird right?" She asked, standing next to him watching everyone indulge in their separate activities.


"Watching everyone have fun. Kinda feel like an outsider." She confessed, turning her head to look at him. Her cheeks went red at the realization she was a complete stranger talking to him.

"Yeah, it is." He admitted, crossing his arms over his chest. "With Shawn around, I always felt like that."

"Ditto. Everywhere I go Veronica is dazzling the room with her looks. Back in highschool, she was the popular one." She responded, moving hair out of her face. "She was a cheerleader on the decathlon team. I was the chubby girl in the back of the class drawing cartoons on her paper. Only time someone talk to me was-"

"To get to know your hot friends. Yeah, I was the chubby friend too." Jack told her, cheeks flushing embarrassed.

"Did they give you an awful nickname too?"

"Yeah. It was Jumbo Jack."

"Mine was Fleshy Jessie. It didn't help that when I laughed I had a snort."

"Horrible combination really."

She looked at him appalled before noticing the grin on his face. "Okay, jumbo jack."

"Hey! I lost weight. It's just Jack now."

"Alright just Jack." She teased, before holding out her hand. "I'm Jessie."


"Yeah I figured."

Shawn, who had gotten quiet so allow someone else a chance at talking, was watching the two talk. He was happy Jack finally broke out of his shell, and apparently he wasn't the only one. "They look good together." Veronica leaned over, whispering to him.

"They do, don't they?" He agreed.

"They're probably going to share a New Year's kiss."

"Jack? Kissing at first sight? He needs like a month before he even holds hands." Shawn joked.

"Are you going to kiss someone?"

"Don't have anyone to kiss."

"Me neither." She drifted off. "How about Shawn? Will you be my New Year's kiss?"

It was 10 seconds till midnight.
She was right in front of him, her once confident smile was gone, replaced with a shy one.
Her cheeks were rosy.
9 seconds.
His breath grew rapid, the pounding in his heart taking over.
8 seconds.
It was almost like a gravitational pull that was guiding them. She couldn't resist.
7 seconds.
He watched her eyes flicker from his to his lips, making him unconsciously lick them.
6 seconds.
She swallowed thickly, feeling his breath on her.
5 seconds.
He decided the answer was yes. Even before she asked, he was going to kiss her.
4 seconds.
She decided that midnight was taking too long, and she wanted to kiss him now.
3 seconds.
He cupped her cheek, watching her eyes close and lean into the touch.
2 seconds.
Suddenly the room became hot, and she only guessed it was because of him.
1 second.
Their lips touched with a soft, unsure kiss.

It wasn't passionate. It was new. New for the both of them. It had mixed feelings. Yet, there was something so right about it. When he pulled away, he realized he hadn't kissed anyone since Colby.

She opened her eyes to him, staring back at her. "Not bad, Hunter." He only stared back at her, unresponsive. "Shawn?"

"Happy New Year." He croaked out.

She faltered slightly, taking a step back. "Happy New Year, Shawn." She nearly walked away, when Shawn grabbed her wrist.

"Can I take you on a date?" He suddenly felt like a teenager again, and not in a good way. He was nervous. Too nervous. It was so unlike him.

"As long as you promise to walk me home after."



He grabbed his phone, ready to check his calendar when he saw Brendon's message, making his face pale. "I gotta go, something happened to Winter."

Veronica snapped out of her crushed daze, turning into a worried mother mode. "What happened? Is she okay?"

"Brendon just said "Code Boy, Win crying. At your house. Bring icecream asap."" He read the text out loud.

"Boy problems." She suddenly gasped at her own revelation. "Her and Josh broke up."

"No way they… they…" He was going to fight her on it. He knew they liked each other so much, it reminded him of his own relationship with Colby. Then he realized, him and Colby broke up twice. It didn't matter how much you loved each other, breakups happen. "Shit, I gotta go."

"Don't worry about anything here, just go." She urged.

Shawn quickly scrambled, yelling out a "bye" before he reached into his pocket pulling out a twenty and stealing a tub of ice cream out of the freezer. He left rushing to his own home. He found Brendon on the couch with Winter. Her head resting on his shoulder, his shoulder, and tissue in her hand. The WaterBoy, playing on TV. "Hey, Win. How are you?" He sat down on the other side of her. Winter shifted, leaning onto Shawn, with a sniffle.

"Hey, dad." She mumbled, her voice hoarse from her crying.

"I'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow, Win." He stood up, pressing a kiss to her temple. It was an innocent act, born from two best friends who truly cared for each other. "Take care, Shawn."

"Veronica told Jonathan to walk you home. He's waiting in the lobby." Shawn told him. "Thank you." Brendon shrugged with a smile, a gesture meaning no problem. He left, leaving the two together. "You okay, kid?"

"It hurts Dad. Why does it hurt so bad?"

"Because caring about someone, and them leaving hurts." He told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, holding her close. "But it eventually gets better."

"It doesn't feel like it."

"Well, how does it feel when you get a scrape?"

"It hurts."

"How about a day or two?"

"It doesn't feel as bad."

"That's how emotional pain is too. Eventually it starts to fade." He explained. "Trust me, I've had my fair share of break ups. They get better. And every time, your dear old dad is gonna be here with ice cream." He pointed to the carton on the table.

"Seriously. Butter pecan. Are we old people now?" She teased, looking at him with a smile.

"It was on short notice."

"Alright, fine. Can you get the spoons?"

"Only if we watch Independence Day."


They watched the movie, finished the ice-cream and fell asleep on the coach.


Happy New Year...
Please don't hate me lol
What I give I must take away :D
Shawn & Veronica confirmed.
Winter and Josh... end? Maybe? Temporary?

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