Cory Meets Colby's Truth

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Winter sat in the park alone, tears brimming in her eyes as she stared at the old pictures on her phone. Ofcourse she didn't know what triggered it. Maybe it was the lonely feeling that began to eat her alive. However she struggled to get out of the bed in the morning, but apart of told her to get up.

Apart of her pushed her out of her bed, and gave her strength. So she ended up at the nearest park, alone. She sat under a tree, remembering her dear mother. A piece of her wished she was still alive to remind her that she wasn't alone. Maybe that was why she ended up at the park. Parks were always her thing, ironically it was her last name aswell.

Winter was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realize someone standing over her. A familiar face that frowned at seeing her bestfriend upset.

"Winnie? Whats wrong?" Casey said softly, reaching out to touch her friend. Winter's head shot up, her mouth falling open.

"Casey? What are you doing here?" Winter said confusedly as she wiped away her tears quickly.

"Well I was taking pictures of the park, nature things. Squirrels, trees, leaves, the sky, etc. Then I saw you and well you looked upset so I came over. Whats going on?" Casey asked sitting next to her friend.

"Nothing." Winter lied crossing her arms over her chest. However the concerned look over her friends face caused her to let out a sigh. "Just feeling lonely. I guess. I don't know."

"Tell me whats on your mind."

"I just feel tired, y'know? But its a different type of tired. I am sleepy but its like I could sleep forever, and never be filled." Winter sniffed. "But then I remembered my mom, so I came to the park."

"Why?" Casey whispered, furrowing her eyebrows as she tried to understand her friend.

"Because the park has always been special to me. To us. My mom and I, to clarify. It has always been our place, its where she told me stories. Or where we played and had picnics. All my favorite memories was at the park." Winter admitted frowing. "The park always made me feel, not so lonely."

"You don't have to be alone." Casey said placing a hand on Winter's shoulder. "I'm here, and you can talk to me about anything."

"But sometimes, not even you can understand." Winter said smiling weakly. "Because we are different people, Casey. We have different minds. Different hearts. And different experiences."

"Winter thats doesn't matter, because we will always be together-"

"No, no we won't. One day you will see me and you will leave. You will leave me all alone and never talk to me again." Winter began to sob. "You will forget about me and replace me with someone else."

Casey cut off Winter's rant with a tight hug. She softly ran her hand in the blondes hair as she hushed her.

"Please don't leave me. Please don't go."

"I won't. We are together forever now."


After the whole breakdown, Winter apologized to Casey multiple times. She felt guilty about dragging the happy genius girl into her dark twisted mind. However Casey only shrugged and smiled, she was happy that the blonde was finally letting her in.

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