Girl Meets Father

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Episode 4


"Look at that ninth-grade woman! She's putting on makeup. We're going to be ninth-grade women someday!" Riley says pointing to a teenager.

"This thing goes to ninth grade?" Maya says making Winter smile.

"Why that?" Riley says pointing to the eye curler.

"Brings out your eyes." Winter says using the tool a few times herself.

"Why would I wanna take out my eyes?" Riley says in

"She's not taking out her eyes." Maya responds.

"And I think she is." Riley says as the girl takes out an eyelash curler.

"It's an eyelash curler. It doesn't even hurt." Allison says as she holds out the eyelash curler.

"I have eyelashes." Riley says as she takes the eyelash curler and examines it.

"Watch this." Maya says nudging Winter.

"Oh boy this will be good." Winter says crossing her arms.

"Ahh!" Riley says as she clamps the curler on her eyelashes.

"Anybody else would stop." Winter says cringing.

"Ahhhh!" Riley says as she clamps the curler on her eyelashes again. This time Cory walks cringing at his daughter.

"Open it." Cory says.

"Thanks Daddy." Riley opens the eyelash curler.

"Yeah, okay." Cory says as he walks to the classroom.

"Yeah, okay." Riley says and she hands the curler to the teen.

"Ladies." Farkle says to the girls making Winter smile at his signature line.

"Farkle." The girls say in unison.

"School dance. I'm gonna put you three down for Dance Numbers one through all of them. We will alternate. You and me, me and you, and you and I. When you're not dancing with me, you may not dance with anyone else. So you may sit and wait until you dance with me again." Farkle says making Winter roll her eyes.

"In your dreams." Winter says putting her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, none of this is happening." Maya adds.

"Well, may I have one dance with each of you?"

"Nope." Winter and Maya responded in unison.

"Sure." Riley responded.

"Ha! That's all I wanted. You just got played by Farkle." Farkle says before he exits while Lucas enters.

"Hey guys!" Lucas says with his charming smile.

"Lucas!" Riley says raising her hand in a high pitched voice.

"Hand." Winter says facepalming.

"Lucas!" Riley shouts chirping.

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