Girl Meets 15 Years ago

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{Lucy Fry as Colby Parks}

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{Lucy Fry as Colby Parks}

It was winter, and there was snow on the ground.

Colby Parks was at a party. It wasn't much of a shocker for the period of her life. She often found herself at parties completely wasted, having to call friends or her brother to come pick her up. However this party was different she was in the big apple for her job. A convention being held, so she wasn't the only one.

There were times when it got quiet, and she hated those times. It had been almost 2 years since her break up with Shawn. However only a couple of months since Cory, Topanga, and Shawn left for New York. The big apple. Granted it sort of help Colby get over Shawn, just not as quick as she wanted to. So there she was, bobbing her head to the blasted music.

"Hey!" One of her coworkers slurred throwing a arm around Colby. "Cutie alert!"

Colby tilted her eyes upwards to see no one other than Shawn Hunter himself. "Son of a-"

"Wait do you know him?" The woman asked.

"No." She said moving away, downing her alchohol. Maybe it was the liquid courage that was pumping through her veins that was controlling her thoughts. Or maybe it was her need for him. Either way she was heading straight for the blonde, blue eyed man, she once loved.

"Hey." She said calmly, his eyes widden as he saw her.

"Colby, hey." Shawn said in shock.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was invited actually, friend of mine invited me."

"Oh cool."

"What about you?"

"Here for my coworker, we are actually ment to be here for a convention. Ended up here somehow." She admitted, she then soak in his appearance as he did the same to her.

To him, she never changed. She was still gorgeous, and confident. Her body was still perfect, and looked even more shaped with the red dress she wore. Her clear blonde hair that cascaded down her back, some parts falling perfectly on her shoulders. Then there was her perfect green eyes, that reminded her of a meadow. He could only remember the good times.

To her, he never looked better. His beautiful dirty blonde hair sticking up. His perfectly trimmed beard and shiny white teeth. The way his face was relaxed and wore a perfect smirk. But most importantly his beautiful deep blue eyes. She could only remember the last kiss they shared. When she broke up with him, and told him to go with Angela. She remembered the way his eyes lit up when Angela walked in the room. She remembered their last I love you.

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